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Pro-E / PTC sucks

dr_gallup said:
Mindripper should be in seventh heaven with this Genuine Microsoft behavior.
Autodesk releases AutoCAD for the Mac. I hope others follow because Microsoft Windows blows big monkey balls. Just saying.
orac said:
If you want to select dimensions while not having the correct tab on the ribbon active you can circumvent some of the problems by holding the alt key (I'm not sure whether it works only with the left alt key or both) down and then clicking on the dimension item.

Best regards,

John Bijnens

You can only move the dimension or delete. You can't access properties. This seems like something they bolted on after all the main work was done. Probably the same with the ALT button and then the little letters to access different tabs -terribly slow on my computer.
Saving to PDF's seem to getting better but they still disregard my pen tables.
mgnt8 said:
Saving to PDF's seem to getting better but
they still disregard my pen tables.

I use Publish>PDF> and pen tables work.
You can turn them on with pdf_use_pentable

WF5 M020
Edited by: moriarty
NX for Mac does run under some shell though, I doubt it was completely native Mac. I'm also unsure as to how many modules they got compatible with their Mac version.
Per the PTC YouTube video posted by moriarty I would suspect that the app we'll likely see in Creo 1.0 would be Creo Elements/Direct and maybe (hopefully) Creo Elements/Pro in Creo 2.0/3.0. Just a guess (wish)...

I have no inside knowledge, but I would suspect that SolidWorks isn't too far off porting to OSX as well.
NX on Mac OSx is native, no shell.

Apple has been using UG/NX for at least 20 years which is why NX is on Mac. Apple has had internal versions of NX for 4 years on Mac hardware. Siemens only made the port available to other companies when NX6 was released.
I heard from General Dynamics industrial designers last week that PTC software sux. They are in our office over the past months taking Alias and Maya training.They apparently took a PTC certified training class in a state that begins in the letter 'W' and hatted the software, instructor, class structure, and everything about PTC. They said,'all we did was read from a book'. That book read training...

I thought to myself 'you didn't take my class'

I saw Pro/E run on a MAC back around 2001 or so. It was a beta version or something. I think it was at a PTC world conference.

Edited by: design-engine
24 pages of uselessness....

The following is from a 30 year CAD Design Engineer with 10 CAD packages under the belt. You all are arguing who is prettier....the blonde or the brunette. Math is math boys and girls. Go back and read your Calculus books for a refresher. EVERY single CAD package is found within those pages.....period...without exception.

Arguing which CAD packagebetter is pointless and truly comes down to your individual expertise and experience, or lack therof, with that particular pagkage. Put two Rock Stars head to head on their software of choice and I guarantee you they will finish the task very close in time to each other. This "debate" is a old as CAD packages themselves. The first one I remember was how AutoCad was better than CADAM..then how PDGS was better than AutoCAD..then how Intergraph blew them all out of the water...then how Catia was the King of the hill...then how UG was the new King of the CAD world...then Pro/E was the revolution to end all revolutions...then of course how SolidWoks was the badassyness to end all badassyness. Hype...PR and more HYPE! Stop your pointless bitchin and just do your jobs.

End of Schooling
Edited by: dlongmi
Felt the same way when I started using Pro. Now after usingthe program I would not change. Support is good & the program is great. Have not run into anything I could not do. Keep digging.


