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PTC has office in India, BOOOOO!

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Guys !! I dont understand how this serves the purpose of the site?

I fail to understand whether this is a forum for learning communication skills or for fighting over job loss?

The time you guys waste on such things could be utilised for brooding over Pro/E problems.

Plz dont let dirty politics get into a site which boosts our design skills.
roshan, If you don't like this thread, don't read it. We didn't force you to read it, so shut the hell up.

This thread, if you are intellegent enough to figure it out, IS about PTC and their declining level of custormer service. This thread proved useful to many who participated in it.

If you can't see that PTC is charging you the same for your maintainance contract, but saving big time because they are outsourcing it, you are blind. This issue is worth discussing on this site, or any other Pro/E site.

If you don't like it, change the channel. GO HOWARD STERN!! FREE SPEACH!!!! 1'ST AMENDMENT RIGHTS!!

You keep on telling people about their english . Please do check the spelling of intelligent, speech in your mail.

I think you better start with a kindergarten school then join a Pro/E forum.

Dont tell me about rights .I didnt force you to stop your opinions , it is you who are doing so.

Why do you need to keep on calling customer service if you are so good in Pro/E. Shut up and ask the wise people on the forum .They should answer you better.
I just wish the world was an open jobs market for everyone, borderless, as long as you have the specific skills. Then more people would emmigrate to different places, this would distribute wealth through taxes paid and infrastructure etc and then maybe a balance will be found. No one seems to complain if their cheap shoes are made in India do they? Probably cos no one wants to make them. We live well in the west because China's people work for almost no money, subsidising our cost of living. Support your own country by buying its home made goods and services whether cheaper or more expensive. Xenophobia and racism are stoopid diversity is not. I also however would not expect to get a job if speaking a native tongue clearly, was a pre requisite for the job. I do not speak mandarin and therefore I do not claim to be able to work in a job that would require this skill.
Please, people, no flaming. It doesn't serve any purpose.

I know the issue of outsourcing can be sensitive, especially for those from countries outside of the US. But for those of us who have dealt with Customer Support before and found it lacking at times (especially given the cost), it can be disheartening when you find out there are changes that potentially lower the value of the service without a corresponding drop in the cost. And the fact is, you are more likely to get someone for whom spoken English is difficult when CS is located overseas.

As for the not everyone's perfect rationale, given the cost of maintenance, I'd expect it to be pretty damn near perfect.

(And to change the topic slightly, with the incorporation of internet connectivity to WF, I was expecting Tech Support to become superlative. But I haven't had the need yet to use it in WF, using Groove to share my session with Tech Support. Anyone have any experience with this? Is it supported yet?)
You silly foreigners just don't get it, and that doesn't suprise me.

Ya, that guy sure did catch me on that one. He completely missed the entire point of my posts, but he caught me with 2 misspelled words. He must be a genius.

All boils down to the economics of production. Now here is a kink; how you define production what it serves for.

We al know by now that USA is bleeding jobs to the parts of the world where the labor is cheaper.

Perhaps the labor/services gotten there is not at the level of our standards; but wait, soon it will be and even surpass them.

Meanwhile some of the companies (here and worldwide) which embraced (or were forced to do it) globalization and did it intelligently will survive and will generate some jobs in the States and many more outside.

Other enterprises will perish and nobody will hear or bear their memory for long.

We, as a labor force, have to adapt ourselves to these changing times, or perish (abruptly or slow through ever diminishing our resources and not being to keep up with inflation).

Will be there fallen souls, but a good part will fight to adapt, that Rise Of India.htm

Look at the qualifications(PHD's) the guys in India have. Many of we guys in US, do not even have a Bachelors degree . What do we do with all the money we earn ?

Mr . G****

so instead of bickering get yourself trained and certified in Pro/E (maybe the proper english version !!).

What??? foreigners??? people like rishi dass!!!!So are you Mr. G,unless you are a Red Indian (Native American) or your forefathers probably were!!

Yes i am a genius because i dont spend my time thinking over such trivial matters . I utilize it to get myself trained to be the best anywhere or everywhere.


A Genius
That was a great article roshan. This is the part I found most interesting:

A top electrical or chemical engineering grad from Indian Institutes of Technology (IITS) earns about $10,000 a year -- roughly one-eighth of U.S. starting pay....For all its R&D labs, India remains visibly Third World. IT service exports employ less than 1% of the workforce. Per-capita income is just $460, and 300 million Indians subsist on $1 a day or less. Lethargic courts can take 20 years to resolve contract disputes. And what pass for highways in Bombay are choked, crumbling roads lined with slums, garbage heaps, and homeless migrants sleeping on bare pavement. More than a third of India's 1 billion citizens are illiterate, and just 60% of homes have electricity. Most bureaucracies are bloated, corrupt, and dysfunctional. The government's 10% budget deficit is alarming. Tensions between Hindus and Muslims always seem poised to explode, and the risk of war with nuclear-armed Pakistan is ever-present.

I'm happy for the Indian people pulling themselves out of this quagmire. There are obviously intelligent people pulling this together. Having worked with large corporations, I've worked with Indians for the last 6 years. Most where bright people.

My concern can be illustrated easily enough though. Sometimes when you are pulling someone out of a hole, they pull you right in with them. We'll have to see who ends up where I guess.

In the meantime, I'll brush up on my Hindi so I can understand the helpdesk techs. Maybe this will be another class offering from our friends at PTC.

Have a good day everyone.
Mr. JHardy... could you please be a bit more concise in your post... it's so long I really doubt that anyone would go beyond the 1st paragraph itself!
All in all.... according to me, the only GOOD outcome of this thread would be that everyone would have a better english at the end of all this discussion!
OK, rishidass, JHardy's 3 Laws of Global Economics:

1. Global trade is good.

2. Unless somebody else benefits at your expense.

3. Then global trade is bad.
What I'd like to understand is what is the nature of the work being outsourced.

My company sends out change order incorporation work only and the real design and engineering work is done in house.

I for one am happy to see the grunt work done outside.
All good discussions, but we are coming unglued from my original & ONLY complaint that PTC's level of customer service is declining due to its outsourcing to an Indian office.

If this complaint raises other issues of globalization and such, that is fine too.

I would also like to point out that the small flame war that has started in this thread was started by an Indian. It has continued to be stoked by others who appear to be Indian also.
I for one am happy to see the grunt work done outside.

Is tech support really considered grunt work? ... as compared to picking cotton in southern New Mexico in the middle of summer?

Can PTC not find enough people in the states, willing to sit at a desk all day and answer tech questions?

Are there no multilingual folks in the states?
India and China sucks. We shouldnt do business with countries that still have slave labor. Its bad Karma.

India has its Untouchable class and who knows whats goin on in China.

Yeah, I have friends who are foreigners. It takes awhile to get used to the accents, then theyre easy to understand. However in a business situation where time is critical we dont have time to learn the accent.

Its the same thing in college with foreign instructors. Youd pay good money only to have teachin by someone who is barely intelligible. Theyd be useless and youd have to figure things out for yourself. Why spend the money for poor service.
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