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Pump Volute Modeling

Hi tewaryshashi!

I can imagine what you want to happen here.I manage to make some pump involute using your sketch but somehow i did not follow your crossections.I use a combination of swept blend and extrude coz it's really hard to control using swept blend alone.I extruded the body and blend the exhaust part.I hope this will help.View attachment 4472
Thanks alwaysdrunk.

I have got some success. Once completed, I will share the pics. meanwhile any idea how to make a skecthed curve behave as a single entity. I have discussed this problem earlier in this topic.


Edited by: tewaryshashi

This isn't what you asked for nor do I profess to know
a great deal about it, but I'll throw it out with the hope
something useful might be gleaned from it for the future
and that I might learn something from any additional

FWIW, I didn't use much out of the furnished curves except
for visual reference. Reverse modeling (/ engineering)
anything more complex than prismatic parts from board
drawings, autocad-ish equivalents, scan sets, etc. always
seems to present the problem; you are starting with the
proverbial, by surface boundary representation standards,
sow's ear and it requires some 'artistic license' while
trying to devine and conform to intent, manufacturing
constraints, etc. to get a silk purse from it.


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