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Purge ProE Files


New member
How can we delete or remove older versions of Pro E files (Purge) from multiple folders at a time?<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
Another way to purge files is through windows explorer.

In your directory hold shift down and right mouse click. Open the command window and type in purge and enter.
I am amazed that more people do not realize that they can
simply set the directory as the working directory then
select the "Window" drop down menu and select "Open System
Window." This opens a command prompt. You then type
"purge" which removes all the old versions.
No need to buy or download any extra software.

I belive that, those who are using pro, must have aware about what u r saying...

i wanted to remove all old version files from multiple directories at a time. whatever process you are following is well known to me..

Sorry for tagging onto your topic aomble.

Could those of you that helped here help me also, I've just started a new topic after this one and would appreciate assist.

I have solved my problem , thank you all. share a jok with you all
A grocer is serving customers when he sees a small boy standing near an open box of sweet biscuits.
"Well,my boy.”says the grocer,"what are you going to do?”
"Nothing?Well,it looks as if you are trying to take a biscuit.”
"You're wrong,sir.I'm trying not to.”


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