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Quiz-2: Frictionless planet

shankar_me said:
Hey Deepak,

Ok! Nice award for a nice answer.

But how to stop at required position?


That's a different question.
michael3130 said:
Have someone build a wall where you want to stop. You'll just collide with it

A wall will reset velocity direction only, but will not stop the motion. This is because, no friction, law of conservation of momentum will hold good. Thus we will not be reaching our destination.

shankar_me said:
michael3130 said:
Have someone build a wall where you want to stop. You'll just collide with it

A wall will reset velocity direction only, but will not stop the motion. This is because, no friction, law of conservation of momentum will hold good. Thus we will not be reaching our destination.


I think a wall should be build so that the co-efficient of restitution will be exactly zero, then there are chances of stopping. I think a wall of this kind can be built because "Invention is mother of necessity". Am I Right here?
Edited by: deepak0132002
lay down arope circuit But you cant grip it so try using some kind of sticky solution

(chewing gum might be a cheaper solution)
No friction means no scratching

means no ideas

coz a genius needs to scratch his head to to get an idea out of it

we need to outsource some some intelegence or some friction
i guess you'd be constantly on the move, since the earth is spinning and you wouldn't 'stick' to the same place ^^
deepak0132002 said:
Consider that we live on a planet having zero friction.

Here is the question.

I need to move from one place to another, what should be my strategy to move?

Depends how far away my destination was. If it was near-by I
If there's no friction, will my suction cups still work,
or should I just smear peanut butter all over my body?

Regarding gravity: It doesn't exist. There is a giant
black "ocean" of "stuff" that pushes all the other
elements until they collect together into planets. If you
figure out what the black stuff is, and how to manipulate
it... maybe you can solve the friction problem.

What happens if you coat yourself with the black "stuff"?
On a frictionless planet that still has gravity: We would
all find ourselves, and our stuff, slipping down and
collecting together at the lowest spot on the planet. Same
as if you dropped a steel ball into a bowl. Unfortunately,
since we are heavier than water, the outcome would not be

