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Quiz1: Speed of Darkness

Wow! Great Idea.


We can then generate electricity without any expence
If you consider a hohlraum that emitts a possible thermal radiation then the speed of darkness is the speed of the thermal radiation (speed of light).
If darkness is defined by a black hole then I know nothing about event horizons and the such. Call Stephen Hawking and ask him....
Cats are not dark under certain light spectrums therefore I disagree with the cat theorem howeverthe cat theory sounds like a lot more fun.
Wow! I can see many scientists across the world through this form.

That's great!

I think by the end of this form something will be invented, I see so many theories coming up. keep it up guys..........
dtatman said:
The speed of darknessis directly related to the amount of time it takesyou towalk through the house, after returning home from work,and turn off every light which has apparently been left on all day....

I like this one, even have lots of personal experience with it

Another phenomenon :

When being downstairs in front of my computer and suddenly realising that the television is left on with nobody watching you can be sure someone is downstairs and the set is switched on back again within 5 minutes after you have turned it off. This is true whether it has been idle for 15 minutes or an hour.

So considering that a switched-on television is light and switched off it is dark one must conclude that the speed of light is greater than the speed of darkness.

Here is my take on this, even though I am very busy and really don't have time to respond to such ah.... well you get what am saying.

If I understand light as emitted rays and these rays bounce around and what not then a simple guy like me would conclude that light is much faster than darkness. After you have shut off the light source, even though it happens faster than the our eyes could see, the light is still bouncing around until it is gone.

Answer me this, why can't you touch you elbows with your tongue? you all have it wrong. You are taking too much of a
scientific approach to the question. The speed of darkness has nothing
to do with physics. It has all to do with bedside manner.

The Speed of Darkness is the time it takes
Satan to "finish"

I hope I don't get too many jeers for that one. I will preempt it.




