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"Real windows application"?


So long to the much hyped "windows experience" from the SW guys...

Deelip: Would it be fair to say that this new
SolidWorks that you are going to come up in the next couple of years is
going to have direct modeling capabilities like how it is implemented in
other MCAD systems?

Jeff: It will have direct modeling. But it will not
be it the way people are doing it today because we are not constrained
with Windows.

Deelip: What has Direct Modeling got to do with Windows?

Jeff: You
It sounds like the SolidWorks of the future will haveall of the functionality of a Windows-based application, and more. It already has far more capabilities in many areas than the limited Unix-based capabilities of Pro/Engineer, although Pro/E has some advantages in a few limited areas. SolidWorks is feeling pressure from the competition, esp. Inventor: Siemens (Solid Edge and NX) is starting to crank it up too. But Pro/E is no longer considered a serious threat by any of theleading MCAD providers: they have dropped below the radar, and appear to be largely focused on simply trying to hang on to existing customers.

It will be interesting to see what 'Creo' has to offer: will it reach beyond the arcane constraints of the Unix world, or is it just more hype from PTC? Are they going to leave Pro/E pretty much as it is, and simply add some direct modeling capabilities and 2D sketching? If they don't do something serious with Pro/E, they will likely lose even more market share.
The original article is worth a read

You would have to say the directions PTC and SW are heading
are completely opposite.

If PTC get their Elements delivery right - ie not regurgitate old ProE - theyre in with a big chance. Stuff
up the interfaces for ProE and CoCreate and theyll loose
the lot.
I agree with comments here.
See my post on Inventor: 365&PN=1

I think a lot of Inventor's more consistently looking professional interface has to do with it making use of Windows capabilities.

Pro/E has better ability than Inventor, but Inventor's user interface packaging is better.
There are areas of the Pro/E UI that I like, but other areas fall short.

If you dont know how to do something in Inventor, there are very good helpfiles and tutorials available. In Pro/E, you hope to find some help on McadCentral...

The feeling with Inventor is very much user focused, even sometimes to the point of being spoonfed. But I still dont trust Inventor's model robustness and integrity in top down design.

If Pro/E could only invest more in making their UI consistent and adding
better view capabilities. (easier assembly cross section, saving of
different view representations, camera set up etc), it would smoke
You only need to use Google Docs to realize the cloud has
serious limitations.

Even with Windchill -which is cloud- it is necessary to
have mirrored servers and dedicated bandwidth to get the
performace required for a usable tool. Im not sure you
want to be competing with gamers Facebook, music,
video and porn downloading for bandwidth.

lets face it the internet has turned into a place to
store last weekends drunken photos - the smart phone
devolution will kill it. When India and China start to
store their baby photos and those babies get dumb phones
and internet access it will be all over !

I think corporates will vote with their feet on this -
the first has been Daimler - they clearly don't see any
benefit in Dassaults cloud view.

Edited by: moriarty

