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Rotate part (not section in sketcher)


New member
How can i rotate part around coordinate or axes or planes?

For example i made sketch on front plane. Then i would like to rotate it so it would be located in top plane for example. And all the extruded models from that section must follow.

Or if i have a part and use isometric orientation and it is from one side to other. But how can i rotate it but not change the front, top, right planes. Just rotate the part in it.
Edited by: ledo
Im struggling to understand what your trying to achieve, can you supply some pictures ? Is it something you can do with the pattern feature ?
Edit the sketch for the first feature, go to sketch>sketch setup> pick a new plane and reference/orientation.

If there are any features after the first one, they will have to have their references redefined as well.

Edited by: sip
You could also try grouping the features and using the copy and paste special or Edit>Feature Operations to make independent copies of the part features applying translations and rotations. You can then delete the original features that made up the model as long as you didn't use them as references for moves.
This is it? There is no mouse click and rotate or something like that?

Pretty outdated i must say. I am trying like Sip said. But for now i get a lot of "unresolved references". Copy/past i will try later.

There must be some feature where i can rotate the part arround Y axis for example? I can't belive there is none?

I did as you sugested sip but these stinks. I must than do the same for all steps (as you sugested). It's faster then to completly redraw the part.

Ok i tried an selected all sketches and extrudes for part and copy them. Then i paste them and i could select tha plane on wich i want it to past. BUT it asked me for every sketch again and again.

These is so lame. Does Proe realy don't know how to simply rotate a part around some reference? Like Y axis from the coordinate system? Please tell me there is something like that avaliable?

Edited by: ledo
As KDEM said:

Copy all the features you wish to rotate/shift (no need to group them really)

Then Edit->Paste special

If you want them to update if you change the original then leave the "make copies dependant on the originals checked.

Check the "apply Move/Rotate transformations to copies"

Don't check the "advanced reference configuration" (you want to keep it simple :))

In the dashboard you can apply as many rotate and moves as you would like to move to where you want. (Click on the tranformations tab in the dashboard and click on new move or right mouse click and select new move to be more mousy)

If you are just wanted to flip some features to the other side copy- mirror is faster prvided your part is symetric. If it isn't then you create a datum plane that is equidistant to the two surfaces that you are interested and doyour mirror.
Try the transform option in the warp tool. You will have to do some setup to get the JACK in the right place. You then will work with the List and Options tabs. List will show the operations you are performing and Options will show the displacement or rotation options.
Thanks for answers. I will do from now on as you allsuggested. But i am really disappointed with Proe in these aspect.


Ok these is what assembly has (click on rigid part in assembly -> edit):

There must be something like that for the part in "Part mode" to?

I don't believe Proe don't know how to turn part?
Edited by: ledo
Rename the datums and resave the saved views. That is the fastest way.

Also what is the reasoning behind doing this? Downstream stuff like drawing templates? or what?
Rotating of part? I think the reason is not to important. It's just such a basic thing someone can't understand why it isn't there.

I will try like you sugessted later on.
The reasons for doing things is always important.

I think the problem you have is a non-issue, unless you can give me one. Is it preventing you from making a drawing, exporting the model for manufacuting, adding addtional geometry, assembling the part,....?
Is this what you're after?

You can select a specific pointaxis or coordinate system etc under preferences...
Ledo, ProE aint a polygon modeller. Every entity has specific locations realtive ultimately to the origin.

I have used many polygon modelling softwares as I am sure many people on this site has and such a feature would have a place in that environment. However necessity is the mother of all invention, I have never had need to do such a thing in proe, even when I was learning it.

I would suggest that you enlighten us on what exactly you are trying to achieve.
csusie said:
Rename the datums and resave the saved views. That is the fastest way.

Also what is the reasoning behind doing this? Downstream stuff like drawing templates? or what?

If I were in this situation, I would have done the same thing as csusie said! assuming his problem is just orienting the model in default or any saver ortho vies!

if it is for assembly, and it is to be assembled using defaultconstraint or with respect to someCSparticularly, I would creat a new Cordinate System with required orientation and use this CS in downstream applns!

Ledo is still not clearly mentioned what he actually wants to do!!!
Edited by:
one small tip! if you want to rotate the model about y-axis 30 degrees creat a CS rotated -30 degree about y-axis(relative to default CS)and use this in assy or to export or in any downstream applns.
Dear Ledo
you can see how many peoples on this forum are using proe and they are always discuss their problems here. No body facing the issue like yours? Did any??
We all are from all industries, some making cars, some airplanes, some teaching it and some learning it. I am using (and also some other peoples using it) a space navigator and both (mouse and navigator) running well. So if only you facing a problem and no one can exactly understand the problem so please do
1. check if your mouse is working well or not. On which os you are running proe?? mmb (middle mouse button) is to be used for rotating. wheel could be for zoom and shift+lmb for pan.
2. Express your problem clearly and to the point so any one could understand it.
I am using it from last 9 years and didnt face any problem, but I get the solution of every problem by trying and trying and trying.

Edited by: Zaki
I think I understand what Ledo is trying to say. I am relatively new to Pro/E myself and have been a long time autocad user. In autocad if you want to rotate your part you just selcet "rotate", pick a point to rotate about and type in the degree you want it rotated. I think Ledo is just wanting a rotate icon he can click on and specify the degree to rotate the view. He's expecting Pro/E to be able to do in 3d what for Autocad is a basic function in 2d.
Autocad is not a real modeler. It doesn'tevan have parametric functions.So its pointless to compare it with Proe. But still Autocad can rotate any 3D object in any time to whatever values user wants it to. So don't say autocad can only do that in 2d!

Its pointless to dicuss this anymore. Proe don't have these function for part. Itonly has tihis functionalityfor assembly. So basicaly it makes no difference whay i would like to rotate apart.

Bottom line. I can't. (i can use copy-paste orchange pre-saved views to any position i want.) And that is that.But i can'tclick on part and roate it arround y axis for 90 degrees for ekample end move it from right to front pane. With one or to clicks. Proe is to "rigid" to do that in Part mode.
If you want to rotate, you can. Middle mouse. click drag. A big difference, is in autocad, you can put something anywhere. In Pro/e, you need a datum, or surface to create on. I'm interpreting that the reason you want to rotate, is so you can sketch another part. This would be the problem, not the inability to rotate. You would need to create a new datum plane to start your sketch from. Those, you have all the ability necessary to move to orientation necessary.

