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Save a Copy


Hello All!

With Pro/E 2001 & Intralink, you used to be able to set your working directory, save a copy of a model (STL for example) and the file would be saved to the working directory, rather than Intralink WS. We've now upgraded to Wildfire and I can't seem to make this work anymore, the file always saves to the WS and not to where I want it to go, I have to then start navigating to tha particular folder. Is there a config option to disable this functionality?

Thanks in advance Phil
We don't use Intralink, but you might try to temporary disable intralink, save your copy, then re-enable intralink.
We don't use intralink either, but we have noticed some problems with
save a copy in WF also. There is a setting in the config file
that appears to have been the change. I think it was called
override_storeback. You may want to look into that and some of
the other saving options.

