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did you do that for fun or for work? I looked at the iges geometry and it looks as though most was modeled with a polygonal modeler like that found in Maya or 3d Max.

Edited by: design-engine
Actually started with a dxf.

It wasn't for work but I'm trying to make a little beer money from it.

I know you're into surfacing and this wouldn't have been possible without this.
Edited by: dougr
beer money?

that raises some interesting questions?

whom would pay for such a model? gamers?
what's a model like that fetch?

i noticed my booze rack is kinda getting low n dry.
Good work dougr, very cool looking model. Good luck with the beer fund

"I know you're into surfacing and this wouldn't have been possible without this." dougr

Thats not unnecessarily true. Most models 99.9 percent built for games or even characters start out as a cube or 'polygon'. It may be hard to believe since we are parametric NURBS people working in solids but it's true. Maya and 3d max for example have all three types of modelers built in. Your blackhawk started out as a polygon.


In Maya polygons can be converted over to NURBS though which is why we
have a Pro/E screen shot on our Maya workshop for industrial designers.

Pro/ENGINEER falls under the NURBS category with SolidWorks, NX4, CATIA and ICEM for example. We say it like this: Pro/E is a very specific type of NURBS modeler. It is a parametric solid modeler based on nurbs curves. is about to publish an article on T-Splines which is a type of SUB'd modeler. Should be interesting for the group I think.

Edited by: design-engine
I know"polygonal" or "tesselated" modeling too. My comment was in reference to surfaces within Pro/E and CAD programs in general.

NURBs is necessary to simulate real life - most real life surfaces aren't usually made up of polygons.

The Seahawk was only part of a larger project:

[url] ; ; ; ;sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&viewitem=&item=15011925 4660&rd=1&rd=1[/url]

PS Hope PTC appreciates the exposure and free advertising.

PPS You guys must feel free to contribute to the beer fund too...
Edited by: dougr
Interesting seeing somebody trying to make a few quid from selling models on ebay, checking the feedback this seller seems to have sold quite a few too. Hmmm what can I designnext that hundreds of peope want lol

Dougr, is this the main motivation for modelling your chopper ?
[-Skint- said:

Interesting seeing somebody trying to make a few quid from selling models on ebay, checking the feedback this seller seems to have sold quite a few too. Hmmm what can I designnext that hundreds of peope want lol

Dougr, is this the main motivation for modelling your chopper ?

To make (beer) money..

PS Be interesting to see what you can come up with to sell..
Edited by: dougr
It's been interesting selling this stuff, had one guy on vacation in London running around trying to find a hotspot in order to download.

Had a Lady decorating a room in Nautilus theme and wanted to use my drawings for wallpaper.

Sold one to the Chief pilot of the Alvin, not exactly sure but think he downloaded at sea - must get bored 2,000 ft under.

When first started had a lot of wtf is this !!

Maybe others should try selling their stuff, not to put MCAD down but ebay has a much larger and varied membership.
Edited by: dougr
Oh Dougr I didnt realise that was actually you selling those models. Thats great to see you have had good success, quite a few bottles of beer you must have :)

The x-wing model looks great

As for me modelling and selling anything, haha im not that good at pro-e yet so dont worry, no competition
[-Skint- said:

Interesting seeing somebody trying to make a few quid from selling models on ebay, checking the feedback this seller seems to have sold quite a few too. Hmmm what can I designnext that hundreds of peope want lol

Dougr, is this the main motivation for modelling your chopper ?
Hi Bros,
I think that your modelings that design by yourself is precious experience. No one can get
You can share your achievement for free
, or do business
. Sure, a few guys can do but a lot of guys CAN NOT. They can study from it. They're really helpful.
For me, I'm pleasure, thankful to study from all of guys at MCAD. There are some BIG guys in here. They help other members so much. And their achievements are my motivation.

Hope all of guys get good health to contribute MCAD more and more development.
Thanks&Best Regards

Edited by: foolmankh
Very nice model!
As for beer, heh I have a lot of beer here, we can trade

PS If you create tutorial how to create models like yours, I think you can earn a lot more beer money
, I know I would buy such tutorial!
Isair said:
Very nice model!
As for beer, heh I have a lot of beer here, we can trade

PS If you create tutorial how to create models like yours, I think you can earn a lot more beer money
, I know I would buy such tutorial!

What kind of beer, I may be able to model a Cube that you can have hehe

dougr, if your feeling generous one day post us the link to download ur models so we can learn from them, I will sign a disclaimer so I cannot sell on ebay haha !

