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james.lynch said:
oh oh oh .. BEER MONEY!!!! Love it! Great models Dougr

How much beer would ya give me for this?

ebay eh.. Dougr - you can expect another purchace shortly! (although why do I have to pay for shipping?



James, have seen your stuff before, did you use surfacing or just solids ??

Looks like you had some difficulty with the bow - didn't think Bismarck had a bulbous bow ??. Adding some color sure would make a difference to your model, nice phospate hull with disruptive camouflage.

You might want to start selling it before I make a Bismarck of my own, am contemplating an Iowa Class BB.

btw I charge shipping to cover ISP charges and I'm not selling my Pro/E "source" models. Typically will only sell shrinkwraps or IGES. My Pro/E models are way, waytoo valuable...

Edited by: dougr
dougr said:
James, have seen your stuff before, did you use surfacing or just solids ??

Looks like you had some difficulty with the bow - didn't think Bismarck had a bulbous bow ??. Adding some color sure would make a difference to your model, nice phospate hull with disruptive camouflage.

well, I hadn't got a model but it was built from section drawings which I'm told were fairly accurate. Look at the lower middle right hand side...

View attachment 3585

This was my first ever ProE model and first time using ProEso I used a combination of suraface (hull) and solid modeling techniques. looking back at it now (almost 4 years ago) the modeling was terrible, but at the time, I was happy as a pig in muck! - ahh, the good old days of being a student!

I think I'll have a go at the seahawk - looks like a cool project!
Edited by: james.lynch
I'm eager to see your next project
.Keep your good work up.

Well, that project is 4 years old and I've done quite a few at work since - not quite battleships tho'!
well, I hadn't got a model but it was built from section drawings which I'm told were fairly accurate.

This was my first ever ProE model and first time using ProEso I used a combination of suraface (hull) and solid modeling techniques. looking back at it now (almost 4 years ago) the modeling was terrible, but at the time, I was happy as a pig in muck! - ahh, the good old days of being a student!

I think I'll have a go at the seahawk - looks like a cool project!


If this was one of your first models then I'm impressed - didn't I read somewhere it was a group project?

As regards surfacing, surface features are only construction features in a similar manner to what datum-curves are - the end result should always be solids.
yup - it was a group of 4 of us from college - I did the hull, deck, planes, lifebosts railings and a few other things.

the final result was a solidified quilt!
James, that is a pretty cool model. What was the college brief, did you have to use this model for anything particular...or was it as simple as Building a HUGE model lol ? -- oh edit, i forgot to ask, what did you render the water with and the sky, they look pretty sweet !

dougr, I would like to take a look at some of your models too. If I was to buy some on ebay, what amount of work is required for me to get the model in a workable state in pro-e ? You say you only sell the IGES or shrinkwraps, as a newbie to pro-e im not sure i would be able to get them into a workable state ?
Edited by: [-Skint-]
james.lynch said:
Well, that project is 4 years old and I've done quite a few at work since - not quite battleships tho'!
Hi bro,
I mean that Seahawk is your next
. The Battleship's nice modelling,bro.
Do you wanna "Beer Money" bro?
......just kidding
[-Skint- said:
]James, that is a pretty cool model. What was the college brief, did you have to use this model for anything particular...or was it as simple as Building a HUGE model lol ? -- oh edit, i forgot to ask, what did you render the water with and the sky, they look pretty sweet !

well the college brief was to learn ProE - the project was a water based vehicle.. so pretty much BUILD A HUGE MODEL!!

rendered using Bryce - simple idiot proof render package with nice results (and only $100!) it takes in Object files and each change in material should have it's own part - bit of a pain but it seems to be the easiest way!

foolmankh said:
I mean that Seahawk is your next
. The Battleship's nice modelling,bro.

oh believe me it was hacked together with blood sweat and tears and believe me - it's definately NOT nice modelling!

Dougr - what kind of time frame did it take you to complete? (rough estimate for each model would be really nice!)
Edited by: james.lynch
View attachment 3660

View attachment 3661

I'm having a bit of troubls importing DXF into the sketcher.

I recieved some DWG files, had to make DXF of them cause ProE does not want to open them. Next I want to use the contours to get a model of the vessel, but I allways get the situation as in "untitled3" I can't get the position of several cross-section lined out to my reference planes, so they become as good as useless. The other problem is that I have to fill in some multi diget number for the scale factor. Somewhere in the translation the exact scale is lost.

Anybody has any idea how to solve this .View attachment 3662
you should convert dxf to iges then bring into the part. Sketch over the top of that. Much better workflow. Plus you get to make parametric sketches more efficintly with out changing the import geometry.

DXF is old as the hills anyway.
Thanks Aaron,

But I only get autocad drawings to start from, soa bit difficult to generate iges files then. I get DWG files and that's it.
I dont usually have any troubles opening DWG files. Sometimes pro-e will struggle if the autocaddrawing is too complex, so occasionally I will cut the original cad drawing into more than one and then insert seperatly.

From the looks of it, your drawing is going to be huge and full of lots of dimensions, try cutting the hull into 4 and inserting each piece seperatly, you can join together easily enough when locating the sketch in pro-e.

I know I can open DXF and DWG files in part, but not the ones I'm recieving, as skint says, they're way to complex. But as I'm on a 64-bit machine, no autocad available.

The sections of that drawing need to be allined to get an exact modell.

And to join the cut-up sketch, that's the problem, no exact coordinates or anything else to refer the sketch to when bringing it in proE, just that scale and rotation window.

Working with wildfire2 and itstilldoesn't allowmore then 8 caracters in the title of a dwg or dxf, and need to have them saved in a 2000 version of acad.

That link is dead by the way
Indusign, when you say there are no exact ways of aligning the cut up sketches when you bring into pro-e, you do realise that you can right click on the " placement circle " ..( the circle with the cross-hairs in your last picture above ) and move the circle to a more specific location ?

This is the method I use when importing complex dwg files. I will cut the original dwg into 4 quarters and have a circle in the centre ( then each drawing had a circle in the bottom corner )...then when importing into pro-e I move the " placement circle" as above into the circle of each new dwg and align perfectly.

Hope that makes sense.

