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section view


New member

i am new in solidworks. In solidworks, what i want to do is to create a section view of my model, but when i use "Section View" it only works with the inner part of my model. i can not deal with this problem.

Also this problem occurs when i use "Make drawing from part/assambly". i can only make the inner part of my model 2D, the outer part does not appear...

My model has two parts: the inner and outer part. i ve created thecylindrical shapesby using "Revolve" two times and the holes are created by "Extruded Cut".
Hi Karayel,

nice to see you could attach a photo! It may be that bmcelyea is right, that the problem is because the part is based on a revolve (or 2 revolves) and not an extrude (or 2 extrudes).

The part is not too difficult to model starting from extrudes based on sketches of the outer and inner circles (e.g. outer and inner diameters of the outer and inner parts - or e.g. the outercircle in the first sketchcould be the full width of the flange and then cut material away with a cut extrude to get the wall thickness for the part).

Is it an assembly or a multibody part? If I was modelling it I think I would make an assembly i.e. make one single part first, based on an extrude (based on a sketch of 2 circles). Then I would save that with a name, but not close Solidworks. Then I would start a new assembly, and insert the already made part as the first part in the assembly, and with the same origin.

Then I would save the assembly to give it a name and not lose from my work if there's a powercut or a crash, and then insert anew part, which will be made "in context". I would draw my first sketch for the new (second in context) part on the same plane as the first sketch of the first part, if appropriate.

There are plenty of other ways to model it - as you know! -this is just a suggestion to make the part based on extrudes to see if that way you can get a section view..

But as to the section view: why not experiment by modelling a part based on a revolve and a part based on an extrude and see if one work and the other does not.

Why not start to model the parts and as you progress check the section view to confirm it still works as you add complexity. In this way, if there is a problem, at least you will narrow down what part of the model may be responsible.

Good luck - Chris Booth
make the feature as a series of protusion, o.k takes longer and sometimes messes with design intent (depending on model wont make a difference with yours) but then section view will definetly work i've tried it not tried the revolve yet will get back 2 u

hi , i think u have got some prob with outer ring coz usually even if u use assembled model section view v can s, might b that u have revolved twice, so check ur model commands first and then try ,best of luck

