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well, no

I only had a problem with making shell with 2.5 as You know

all I did I changed a sets for solidify(earlier in the tree) from Remove to Patch, and shell with this sets goes on

but I have no geom check,

If I understand the excercise, you wont see a geometry check. However, there are flaws on both sides of the part near the earpiece protrusion. Zaki wants us to fix the flaw that doesnt show up in the geometry check. A test of sorts to show that the geometry check may not tell you there is a problem even though there is...


I told u guys that the problem is only with shell. no geometry check is showing it and the patches we cant change or remove. today I will tell u that one of u guys may be winner.
Hi Guys

now the time is approximately at end (just 1/2 hour remain, but I want to go somewhere). The mediumslice is first person to pin point the problem but he didnot solve it. Zimmy is the first person to find and solve it. Now all of u can voting to decide who is the winner among them.

Actually, the problem is at ear peice round cut(big one) which one I create by solidify. the arc is tangentical at top edge and not tengantical at the body end. As zimmy says, I didnot change the radius, but make center of arc offset a little bit (less then 1 mm)its makeno big impact on the overall shape but the problem was solved. Because outer side that made by surface is create bcoz of boundry surface, but when computer try to offset it, he confused. So the shell is not successful. I think u might be understand what I m trying to say. I will not available for next 3 days. At monday 9 April, I will post a part (some people seen on my site) and u people will open the mold by skirt surface. It will fails. and u must solve the problem.


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