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hello, I'm hoping some of you out there may be kind enough to take a few moments out of your day and describe to me a bit about how you use Shrinkwrap Features or Models.

I understand the use case scenarios for these features is to cut down on memory usage within an assembly, but what I would love to hear about are some real life examples of how people use them.

When I was digging through here before I saw an example of someone using Shrinkwrap to create a plastic wrapping around some bottles.

So my questions to you ProE users out there are:
<ul>[*]Do you use Shrinkwrap Features or Models?[/list]<ul>[*]And if you do, how and why do you use them?[/list]
Ive seen people use it to make a model for packaging. The assembly needs to go into a box so shrinkwrap might be used to get the foam for packaging.
shrinkwrap couldbe used if you want to send your "assembly" to a customer for (ex.) "clearence checking" ,and you dont want them to see all your parts and so on. Then, just shrinkwrap it , and send theshrinkwrap as an step/iges...

We create shrinkwraps of our total assemblies to cut down on memory usage for our plant layouts. Saves on the memory usage. We still need 64 bit machines, but it still cuts down our layout size by more than half. The only problem is we sometimes find shrinkwraps that will not update therefor need to be redone every time we have major updates to bring to the model.
okay great thanks a lot, you all have been very helpful;)

DL- Shrinkwrap models are not associative to the source models and do
not update if changes are made. Shrinkwrap features can be associative
or not associative by choice, and can be used as a simplified rep. of a

Edited by: Kemmenegger
Kemmenegger said:
okay great thanks a lot, you all have been very helpful;)

DL- Shrinkwrap models are not associative to the source models and do
not update if changes are made. Shrinkwrap features can be associative
or not associative by choice, and can be used as a simplified rep. of a

Our Shrinkwraps are all associative to the source model and update fine for the most part. It all depends what you include and how you make it...

What is your application? If you don't mind my asking...
I don't have an application in mind I'm just learning about it and have a lot of questions and was looking for some examples, thank you for your input.
DL & Kemmenegger

There is a way to create a updatable shrink wrap by
doing tools--> shrinkwrap--> Dependent

Can you create an updatable shrink-wrap with WF4?I don't
see any other option besides "save as".
Ya.. Its possible.. Initially create a new part, then go
to Insert,shared data then select shrinkwrap option. then
u find open icon in ur pro-e window. select it then browse
the asm. which u required to shrink give ok for next next
windows..(here also we have diff. level's)
I know this is really old but I can't find the shrinkwrap option anywhere in the Creo 4 file/save as TYPE pull down menu. Of course, it doesn't help that the multitude of options are completely random. The PTC help files say it's there but it's NOT. I've looked about 4 times. I've looked from both an assembly and a part. It's just not there. Losing my mind!
We have Creo 4 M070, and the option is there :- in our setup, it's about 3 lines above the 3D pdf option.

Thanks. Just checked Creo 4 M070 and it's there in both part and assembly mode, went back to Creo 4 M020 and it's not there in either mode. So I'm not losing my mind! Time to move to a newer release.


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