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simplified license w/ 2001 probs


New member
I just installed Wildfire 2.0 recently, but still have to use 2001 for some customers. The problem I am having is that everything in 2001 works fine except for my tool design option. I am wondering if my new license has a problem with it, or if it is just not possible to use the tool design option in 2001 with a simplified license. The only advice I have gotten so far was to try the latest build of 2001, but that didn't help.

Any ideas?


Yes. You should setup your 2001 again. Run in a dos shell "ptcsetup.bat -simplify proe". Remove any existing startup commands and create new ones with the option "no config id's" Then you can select the Foundation license and select the Tool Design Licence Extension.

Good luck!


Can you expand on that a little bit? I am not familiar with creating new startup commands, etc. When I do ptcsetup from dos, it wants to bring up the wildfire reconfiguration, not 2001.

In the DOS shell type: cd c:\program files\proe2001\bin

then type: ptcsetup.bat -simplify proe

Install 2001 as you did before, but now choose for the bullet option: no config ID

When arriving at the point to define the sartupo commands, remove them end create new ones. At that point you can selct the license extensions.

This topic is covered many times in here, and it is also documented well at

Thanks Huug!

I tried doing a search for simplified license on the PTC site and came up with nothing. Knew there was a DOS command just couldn't remember what it was.

thanks again

