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Site Improvements... Suggestions welcome!

mjcole_ptc said:
How about a using a math question like
X=29*2 -17 linked to a *captcha* image you could display 4 images next to answers A,B,C,D

A.) 15 , Os6d5$2!
B.) 48, Kl8dfQg2
C.) 75, s3ah?l^z
D.) 41, YL2eSxpq

If you can post on this forum then you have officially passed your ACT.

Actually one of the captchas that I was looking at was one which displayed various animals. A set of 4 with a number under each. Question was... type the number under the two pandas. Problem with that was the "type the number under the Emu.." and it had 4 birds... I don't know what an Emu is...
Kudos on the CAPTCHA for keeping spam down, but the implementation is horrible. If I enter the wrong code I get blocked (good) but then I also loose my entire post (very bad).

You need a CAPTCHA that doesn't erase the post when it fails, because my experience with them is that I enter it wrong or it expires or something probably 30% of the time or more.
Strange... what browser are you using that it's dumping
your post? Just tested on Chrome & Firefox and my message
is still here. IE?
Came in here to complain about failing the captcha and losing my reply when I hit back on my browser. Am using Firefox 9.0.1. Gotten into the habit of doing a CTRL+A, CTRL+C before hitting post.
cdtoad - Sorry, I missed your replay. I was
probably using FF then, I'm using Chrome (16.0.912.77) now.
Let's see what happens when I enter the wrong CAPTCHA ...

Hmm, it kept my post. Didn't before. I'l try again with

BTW - the formatting buttons don't work well in Chrome. No
WYSIWYG and I can't even select text and apply formatting.
OK, now trying FF 9.0.1, let's see what happens.

Nope, I lost it when the wrong code was entered.
Tried again with IE8 and the same results, post was lost.

Hope that helps.

Interestingly, with Chrome the CAPTCHA wasn't refreshed when I hit back, and it wouldn't work even if I entered it right. I had to manually refresh it. Wiht FF & IE the CAPTCHA was refreshed when I hit back.
This forum isn't going to get fixed and modernized, right?

currently it doesn't work with anything other than Firefox.
Edited by: solidworm
We're going to be updating the forums here to Vbulletin due to long delays
and challenges in trying to re-tool an aging platform here. More to come...

