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Sketch Layouts and Part Origin Planes


New member
I'm trying to figure out how to effectively use the
Layout sketching tool in an Assembly. I understand the
whole idea behind creating blocks and making those blocks
into parts by extruding/revolving them.

But, what I can't figure out is how to control where the
coordinate frames are positioned within the part when I
"create part from block"

It seems like each block has a unique origin within the
block, and it would make sense if that origin controlled
where the origin planes were set. But, I can't seem to
find out how to control this.

Any ideas?
Look carefully to the window that appear when you make a block.
You have the option to choose the inserting point (for your block). When you select this a little arrow appear. Drag this arrow where you wish to establish the insertion point.

This is the idea. While I don't use blocks in my work and for the moment I have not access to SW environment, I can't be very sure.

Good luck !
Thanks for the very good information on Sketch Layouts and Part Origin Planes that will be really so helpful..............

