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Some surfaces behaviour makes me confused

youtube squashes them quite a bit. I like to keep them at 600 dpi or so... No matter what you give youtube they get squashed to 425 x 355 or so.... Not sure how the vertical gets jacked w/o keeping the same aspect ratio... I will try to do more over the next month or so.

I watch your movies on youtube yesterday. They make an impression.

There were some problems with sound in second movie, so I couldn`t hear what are You talking about(the voice itself was a surprise for me, I imagined it different:)))

I am more convinced now to fetch from PTC web page 30 days trial and run some sleepless nights with ISDX in WF 3.0

The movies itself are designed pretty good I think. Since they cover basics I look forward for a film that will hit me to the ground!


I found in one of your models, attached in some post in this forum, the sketcher with perimeter dimension and another one with var note after the value.

What are they?
Ill redo that number two and many more to come. I challenge you Jacek to make us some too. Looks like you have more specialties than me!

I will shut up all the solidworks fans too and do some bad ass stuff in SW ... but it will be with some serious work a rounds. ;)
chalange is nice stuff to come. The competition always motivate to higher activity.

Since I have no Pro\e instalment form my I own and I use that one I have at job, I gonna stay a side and not "check in" anything on Youtube, till I fetch 30 days trial.

However I am thinking to set up some intresting web page for polish users, since Pro\e miss a good stuff surfacing related in polish. Maybe then, I will prepare something intresting, but I am afraid it gonna be to much as fro 30 days trail only.

In the end, what could I show - still my skills stay behind yours. But maybe some day... :)))))

> perimeter dimension

I'm not sure which file you mean?
(There may not have been any 'real' purpose, maybe just experimenting.)

Now that we can post attachments again; back to the Bezier end point
calculations and Eval / Graph / VSS examples (re your request in
another discussion; I thought I'd add them here since they are related).

The curve (only) file shows two scenarios; (1)radius at each end and
(2) radius one end, infinite rad (zero crvtr) other end. You can
manipulate them to get a 'feel' for their behavior and limitations.
(WF2 all)
I took a quick look at your parts Jeff. I am not gonna discuss them all now, while I want to give them more time to bite them to the bone

however I found one thing that stucked in my mind and just does not want to go out

jeff, how have You done that?

I was- no wrong, I am still - convinced, this should not be possible in sketcher, the curvature constrain!
I`ve checked that. You are right.

Jeff more tricks like that and the Earth gonna rotate in the opposite direction:))))

You made a really nice surprise this morning to me. There was a question asked some time(or some pages) ago in this topic, that was left without answer.

It was -" Is it possible to put Curvature constraint in the sketcher between entities?" And here it is, the answer. I know it has a limited use, but, it is possible!

I think with this trick, I obtained almost(99,8%) answers for my questions considering sketcher. Maybe it is right time to summarize it all?

anyway great stuff
jeff, what I can say - these models, specialy vss-g2-bezzier_section2, are awesome

I think, with this model, the curvature transition is something more than ordinary g2, while the plot goes smooth at the connections curve. For me it looks close to g3(reflections)

I see now the power of VSS joined with trajpar and evelgraph(and analisys tool). The difference between BB with the same curves and VSS is so apparent in attached by you model, that I wonder, why PTC didn`t include this funcionality as embeded tool in BB or VSS.

For example You could be prompted to pick number of points on curve to calculate radius, then Pro\e itself would take care of the rest - set evelegraph, and the rest.

Then such results would be possible to obtain from ordinary BB, without setting a lot of features for final VSS.

anyway jeff, today I was surprised twice. This does not happen to me often
Nice lines on that thing. I like how the handle goes into the lid. Now add a lemon crushing device and you have a hybrid product.

I see you like the bounding boxes... lattice structure. you guys are getting the one week class free on this talk board! haha

Edited by: design-engine
design-engine said:
I see you like the bounding boxes... lattice structure. you guys are getting the one week class free on this talk board! haha

yeah, you`re right Bart, but - is there a better way to tribute you Bart? All the thinks you`ve said, explained, and put at this forum?

I suppose I wouldn`t reached that level(still I miss more than I feel have) without great support from all of guys who spoke at this topic. Specialy You and Jeff.

I even established for my own special statetement - Bart`s and Jeff`s appraoch.

Bart`s one - ISDX, curves, tweaking stuff, Alias, Rhino sorta stuff

Jeff`s one - basic foundation tools, VSS, trajpar, evelgraph, more engineering approach, more difficult but worth to pass if You are lack of ISDX like I do;))))

In the end I am convinced this topic contains really big amount of intresting stuff, that was spread across many other topics, and now summarized in one.

I hope verybody enjoys the same as I do
I`ve played a little with fillets for following case

simple, ha?


default rounds by Pro\engineer

Approach no 1 - g1

appraoch no_1 with g2 conditions

approach no_2 with g1

the no_1 g1 has really nice shape but there is something worn with BB(extra generated tangent edge)

I like also no2 because of its simplicity

any input?
I`ve seen lately Bart`s topic at Prodcut Design Forum. It is much updated now. I like the direction this topic follows. Dickmash input is great, now it can be seen how Catia users tend to solve things. At the end, it look similar to Pro\e way.

Anyway, I remind myself about idea I left some months ago. There was a chalange here in Mcad forums, with many people involved. I have`nt seen that finished.

I do not want to touch "dead bodies" but, then I though it would be great basis for any chalange if there would be input from real designer at front.

I think it would be great deal between Mcad and Product design forum if they prepare some great industry design, and then guys from this forum could be face it and do it.

Finaly it could spread across all platforms(ideally situation)
that a great idea. get the two forums to work together. Who would think? Post that over there! I think that board is hosted in China. Cool hu?

Edited by: design-engine
First I would better try if there is any demand for such chalange here;)))

Anyway, before I write anything in PDF, I think it would be good to run a survey among guys that want to participate - what exactly would be good to challange? - car interior stuff, kitchen appliance, computer stuff(mouse i.e, speakers)?

With that at front the question could be placed in PDF if there is anybody intersted in such activity? I think it should be done this way.

my last few minutes with kitchen appliance again
less formal is better. Just make a challenge and we post it on several boards. Watch the challenge in different software packages. I got dicksham on another (he is on the Catia board here but there is no traffic) to learn something about Catia.
I have also been reading through Bart`s post on PDF forum. Im interested in seeing how different people go about differents ways of doing things, but I dont really want to explore how other softwares work. I dont have access to any other software apart form pro-e and I certainly dont want to confusze myself even more haha... as Maudib`s post explains, this thing maketh me confused.
hello Skint

nice input, I hope I`ve bited it right

just quick try

I can not attach a file though so take a look at these main steps

the rest is obvoius I think

