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Space ball


I'm using the Spacball 5000 usb from at work. (not in production anymore, look for the SpaceExplorer)

At home I use the Astroid 6000 from

The products from 3D connection are very good looking and offer some more comfort also it cost more than the astroid. With 3D connection you can install the office package so you can use the product also in other application. In europe the Spaceexplorer costs between the 239 and 299 euro.

The Astroid is a good looking product andis easy to use. Most advantage is the lower price of it. Drivers and software are availible for download from the Internet. on the website you can order one for 119 euro. (be aware of shipping cost)

Maybe your Solidworks seller has something you can try before you buy.

With regards

Hello,<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

thank you for your opinion. In work I had utilise before the Spaceball 5000, and now I
F it this site blows

Asteroid was created by the same person who created Spaceball design for motion control the device is less costly than it's overrated competition from 3DConnection who can't write good drivers to save their lives. Save now so this crappy site doesn't loose my typing.

There are no standards in existence for software written to control these devices and 3D Connexions devices seem to have worse drivers each release.

The Asteroid is a real space ball because the controls geometry is spherical unlike the ugly and unergonomic Puck shape that 3dConnexion has considered better.

Because of the limited drivers for Asteroid not as many people use it but I think it would be a good product to try.

The Space Explorer device is nice because it's not as ugly as the more expensive Space Pilot that 3DX sells cause it makes them more money. It has nice features uch as switching the assigned functions for the buttons based on progrram or modes of program like part and drafting modes haveing unique functions. All of these devices have detailed settings for speed of Translations and Rotations so each user can customize the movement to fit their needs.

The asteroid is made in Australia by the company Spatial Freedom and was designed by John Hilton.


Edited by: mjcole_ptc
Hello,<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
The Astroid is a product which get the job done. In the years I'm using it I never had any problem with it. With the Spaceball from 3Dconnection I have sometimes the problem that is start to rotate automatically. I use calibrate from the control panel and it is solved for a day or two. Also I had some problems after install SP's for Solidworks. Always got the advise to install the newest spaceball drivers.
The Astroid has 8 programmable buttons such as the Spaceball (has 12 buttons). These 8 buttons are enough for me to assign the functions I want. Also it has a 2D Scroll Hat. I'm not using is very often because at home I'm only modeling things in 3D. But when I used it, it worked fine.
If I find the Astroid better? I'd say yes because I find it more stable. As Easy to use and less expensive.
Overall, I'm very happy with the Astroid. Even so, if my Spaceball at work must be replaced the Astroid is at top of the list.
With regards
Astroid = A Spatial Translate/Rotate Orb Input Device

Please look at There you can find the supported programs and download the software en drivers. There you can also find an emailadress to ask your question about mastercam and edgecam.

At home I use the SW2008 drivers with SW2009 and have now problem with it.

With regards


