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Spam - Is there anything being done???


New member

Is there anything being done to tackle the constant bombardment of spam messages to this forum? There are some really good posts from the past, now ruined by that tool constantly posting advertisments. I'm seriously tempted to abandon the forum and I'm sure there are other people thinking the same thing as the forum is now nearly unusable although it has helped me so much since I joined a few years ago and I would be very reluctant to leave.
Thanks for message here - I'm one of the principal in Design World and
appreciate the honest feedback for this site. We've looked into migrating
other platforms - working to see about balance of more modern platform
without killing function and user familiarity.

We try to keep spam to a minimum and honestly we are looking to improve
the user experience. And other suggestions on reasonable platform ideas
and migration would be excellent.

Marshall Matheson
I don't know much about the web site platforms etc., what I do know is that I usually wait for the daily message from MCAD which arrives just after i Get into work and I spend a short time to see if there is anything interesting which usually there is. However, lately as I trawl through the posts, there is a lot ofspam and it isn't immediately obvious which are spam and which aren't, particularly when they use some of the older posts. This creates extra time trying to decifer the posts of interest and therefore I'm close to loosing interest and becoming more andmore frustrated.
Hard to comment on platform migration, because there's nothing on the site that indicates what platform is currently being used. I've never seen another forum with this look & feel, so I bet it's something obscure.

Honestly, one of the things that makes a great community is folks who are active in the community and passionate about the topic being involved in it from a moderator/admin standpoint. There is none of that here. In fact, as far as we can tell, there aren't any official moderators. We need a few active members helping run the ship.

On the specific side, I would love a more robust notification system. Right now I get a notice of every single post or reply in the forums I watch. I'd love a single notice for new topics and then only notifications of replies on topics I choose.
Thanks and understood. I see often just a 'follow' on certain threads with
other forum systems. For now we are purging a bunch of bots and trying to
lock down better.

We also just hired a community manager for MCAD and some other sites and
we're looking to 'promote' folks to moderate- admin. If you could email
dmiyares@wtwhmedia and if interested that would
be excellent.
They still sell spam in the supermarkets here beside the tins of ham and pork. It's pretty much the crap parts of the animals go into it as far as I know so I leave it on the shelf. However, that's a very different type of spam Bart

To the moderators.....this is still a serious topic!!!
Quick update - for now - going for core upgrade on same system to
improve look/feel - cleaner with more space- much better spambot control,
and retains user features. We'll also be improving the daily and weekly
emails - but the spambot issue will alleviate a lot of *noise*. Will be testing
prior to rolling out over next month.
I think the forum has been moderated by it's members successfully over the years. Now I understand that a hand full of the members now have control to quickly delete any attempt for a spam bots to post advertisements for Viagra or for pirated software sales.


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