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Spot Welding


New member
How do you create spot welds in Solidworks? I've been able to create weld beads.

by the way, I'm trying to spot weld to pieces of sheetmetal. (this is a piece of cake in Proe)
Thank you in advance

Edited by: armyes13
I have had all kinds of problems creating welds in solidworks, as you say this is not the case in proe but we wont go into that! Where are you trying to create the weld at assembly or part level? I can perform some welds at both however cant find spot weld option and tutorials are no where to be seen

Get back 2 me if you find out!

Cheers Paul
Hi Paul,

I'm trying to create the spot welds at the assy level. It's bad that SW doesn't have that feature. I think I can manage faking a spot weld, but my problem is at the drawing level since the welding symbol is parametric.

any help is welcome.

Thank you!

