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steel sections

I am attaching a link to a page on my website that I just dropped this file into for you. I run AutoCAD and Solidworks side by side
with dual monitors. I use this lisp routine to get a 2D profile of
structural steel, then copy and paste it into Solidworks to extrude.

If you are familiar with using lisp routines and AutoCAD this is an excellent tool.

Place all these files into one folder that is in the search path within
AutoCAD. Load the routine and type stl on the command line.

I would also be interested if anyone has something similar for Solidworks.

Thanks for your reply. In addition to your reply,can you tell me is there anypartner software availablewith solidworksfor Steel /Structural Engineering?

I have used a Software called HiCAD neXt,developed by ISD is one of the TOP 5 offerers of highly integrated CAD/CAM/PDM Solutions. I have attached a movie file for Steel Engineering send by them

[url] T[/url]

Plz go through the above link and convey your feedbacks
I know of no partner software.

The video sure appears to make structural work easy. However,
structural work for us is usually an after thought to support our
machine designs.

I also tried to review the HiCAD website and found nothing in English so I really can't comment.


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