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Suggestion for McadCentral – IMPORTANT

I tried to follow what was going on with the competition Speling and I went through all your long postings on your ideas for the competition. I tried to offer ideas along with many others and you kept coming back with an additude, taking the position that somebody was attacking you. Then the competition went to a private forum. Nobody heard anything and when someone asked about the competition, you came back with your additude again.

You say read all your talks, how? it took place in a private forum! I remember somebody giving advise and you blasted back thinking just because we give advise we are saying your not doing anything or didn't think of it.

I understand perfectly, you took the competition under your arms and damn any outsiders opinion.

You know, if more than the little group you had was involved from the beginning and all the way to now, there would be a lot more pressure to implement this. Why spend the time, money on something that nobody is talking about anymore.

Hey if it happens, great. I hope it all works out as planned. But don't come back all shortness of breath, sweating and talk about all the hard work you did and everybody should kiss your feet. I and everybody else wasn't there behind the closed door, so why should I care.

I'm about results, and I'm not seeing anything. Why should I ask MCADcentral where is the competition. Your the head.

Why should I criticize your idea about the newspaper?, I just offered advise. If you had read the rest of what I said, instead of having your "somebody is attacking me" goggles on, you would have seen that I think the site should open up personal blogs.

Edited by: dougr
Ok, I made a remark about the competition, I don't agree on how it was handled. Big deal, this is my opinion. It was one remark not a question.

From here on out I will stay on topic.

Ok, about the newspaper idea- I think it's stupid.

Everything you outlined is alrighty here. You have McadCentral, PTC, Pro/Engineeer Reading room, Profiles Magazine, Pro/Stuff,, Pro/Engineer Community, ... This list goes on and on. And your asking for McadCentral to take away their only means of profit to pay for content?

Content is out there for nothing dude.

