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Suppressing and hiding in Wildfire


New member
Can someone explain the difference between suppressing and hiding. I can hide datums, but not objects. I can suppress an object (and it disappears from view), but how can I make it reappear?
Hiding an object makes it disappear from graphics area but it is regenerated when the whole model is regenerated. While by suppressing you make it out of the loop and its not rgenerated.

Beneath the model tree icon there are two icons show and settings. click on settings and press tree filters

now check suppresses objects and then apply and then ok.

I hope this helps.

Hiding an object makes it disappear from graphics area but it is regenerated when the whole model is regenerated. While by suppressing you make it out of the loop and its not regenerated.

Beneath the model tree icon there are two icons show and settings. click on settings and press tree filters

now check suppresses objects and then apply and then ok.

I hope this helps.

Suppression temporarily deletes an object (feature in a part, component in an assembly) from your model. Since it's temporarily deleted, Pro neither regenerates nor repaints the object on your computer screen. Since the object is temporarily deleted, it has an effect on parent-child relationships. You will have to tell Pro how you want to treat the children (delete, suppress, edit definition, edit references), or your model will fail regeneration (Resolve Mode).

Hide is a functionality added in 2001 that only removes objects from display. In part mode, you can only hide non-solids (e.g., surfaces and datum features). In assembly mode, you can hide components. It has no effect on regeneration. In essence, Pro creates a layer called BLACK HOLE, and the objects associated to that layer are blanked.

To get a suppressed object back, resume it either by selecting it in the model tree, right mouse click, and Resume, or use Edit > Resume. To get a hidden object back, use right mouse button functionality, or View > Unhide (or is it View > Visibility > Unhide; I forget).

David Martin
To add a bit...

Hiding features (in Wildfire) is a little strange from the vantage point of newbies (that's me). If the solid feature creates an axis you can hide the feature; all that's hidden is the axis.
As I said above, in part mode (or more precisely, for features), Hide only affects non-solids, and does not affect solid geometry. (Just like layers.) Therefore it only affects surface features and datum geometry. If you hide a solid feature that has datum geometry (e.g., the axis of a hole feature), only that datum will be affected.

Here's the important part: Hide is only intended as a quick way of reducing screen clutter without having to go through the process of creating and blanking a layer. It is intended so that a user can quickly use right mouse button functionality to get junk out of the way when working on other features and components. Again, only temporary -- once you're done with your operation, you should unhide those objects.

(In 2001, you could not save Hide settings; they were reset each time you started a new Pro session or cleaned out your RAM. If I'm not mistaken -- and this disturbs me -- your Hide settings are saved with your model, which can make it a pain in the butt to figure out where stuff is when you open it.)

