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Surfacing Die Design


New member
Hey guys, Im just learning solidworks. So far I've been
creating surfaces, assemblies and am starting to get
comfortable with it. What I am wondering. Can I do
surfacing for a die design. I work at a shop and we build
progressive dies. The data comes to us as 2d autocad. Is
there some fancy features to build these into a surface
to use in mastercam to cut in a cnc. Im referring to
complex form surfaces. If so I'd love to learn how to do
this. If necessary I have some dwg files and I have an
IGS with the surfacing done that we sent out to have
done. Any help is greatly appreciated.

When I try to import the file, It brings up a whole bunch
of nonsence. If i import it into a drawing file. I get a 2d
drawing. But not sure what I can do with it. Anychance I
can send you what im working with so know what I have to
work from?

