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System Color


New member
Hi everybody

Ho come I do not manage to restore at opening my customized "my_syscolor.scl".

Everytime I strart a new session of Pro/E I am back to other setup than the one I prefered.Thrfileis installed in startup directory as well as load point directory.

My config file "system_colors_file"is pointing atmy startup directory where my customized "my_syscolor.scl is installed.

I do not understand the problem if problem exist.

Thank you


I do not know what is the problem or what is the subtle mistake Ido but the file "my_syscolor.scl" is in starup directory as well as my and the config file "system_color_file" is properly pointing the right path.

Nothing to do, I am never brought back to my system color configuration at strat up of knew session of Pro/E.

I always have to reload it manually in system color UI by opening it.

Thanks anyway to you all withyour hints.

I tried my setup to be like yours and it worked fine. The only thing I would suggest is go into Pro/E load your colors then save the colors and make sure you are saving to the same syscol.sys file.

I renamed my Syscol.sys ile to be my_syscolor.sys and it worked fine, maybe just name the file syscol.sys for the file and the config path

good luck

Hi again Moroso

Thx for your help but at this point I am more confused. Is it because I am using WF2? but I do not have syscol.sys file, as you mentioned,I have a.scl file. First I customized my colors and saved it as my_syscol.scl(.scl default and only extensiomn available at save command)in my statrup directory as my_syscol.scl.

I tried a search for any *.scl file in all WF directorieswhere it is installed but did not find any. What is the primary scheme that Pro/e uses for default startup.

I am a little bit confused.

The .sys is an error on my part, it is a .scl extension ...sorry for that.

Try what Robertib mentioned about just using the name syscol.scl, maybe Pro/E only recognizes that file name.
Thx guys but it is a very misterious problem that I am unable to solve.

I am convinced that it must be a very subtle mistake but I have tried everything

I have also tried what you mentioned robertib. I have renamed to syscol.scl.

StranglyI have never found any file of .scl in any directory of the installation. Where that file come from? And what is the default startup andsettingfile??

Anyway I manage even so to retrieved manually the desired setup.

Do you have a config.sup before your file that the company uses.

If this is the case the supervisor file overrides the .pro file if the same settings are in the .sup & the .pro

So if your company is using a .sup and has a standard syscol.scr file and path setup then it will override the one in you .pro file
Click on View, Display Settings, System colors, then set up your color scheme, then click file, save. You then use the browser window to place the file into your startup directory or the directory pointed to in the file for system_colors_file. The file will be saved automatically with the name syscol.scl.

hope this helps
If you are opening Wildfire from the desktop, right-click the icon & select properties - the Start In directory is the startup directory.
Hi everybody

I must says that I have not solverd this issue yet. I swim in a twilight ZONE. I have tried everything you mentioned carefully.My file syscol.scl is in start up directory. I tried to copy this file in load point directory, where pro/e execute . proe.exe, as I said I tried everything. Nothing to do.

As mentioned, my interogation is: where is the original file, where pro/e start default setup befrore I change the original for my customisation. I have not found any other file .scl other than mine in any directory. So If it load a setup different than the one I want It to use. Where is that file and what is the extension. ??????????????????

So I remain confused about this issue.


You might post your sounds like you have taken all the steps to get it to go.

Just one question, kind of a longshot... got any spaces in that path statement??

its not pointing to something like

c:\program files\wildfire\.........

if there is a space in the pathname... move the scl to any folder that does not have a space in the name and try that... at this point what have you got to lose
Hi again everybody

Beleive it or not I finally succeeded in managing my .scl file. Now It works. With all the post and a hard work in clearing the mess I arrived to a conclusion with this issue.

Why do simple when you can make it complicated. It seem to be the moto of PTC.

No but seriously it is a mix of my poorsknowledge of the software and the lack of clear explanation in help file.

To sum up, it was a bad configuration of all default color filesthat superseded my customised file.One have to configure in the caracteristics of somes aspect of many features we want to appears at the opening and for the others that are customisable they are dependant of the .scl file customized in session, saved and loaded at startup.

Thx finally to wsylvester who, I do not why, gave me the clue that headed meto the wright track.

Thank to this forum and people who take time to keep in touch with, that iswhat it make that software a great one in some aspect. Have a look at the other software forum of this site and you will be surprise that there arevery few to compare. Pro\e remain the best 3D cad I have worked with.



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