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Tapered Extrude?


New member
I have a shape I need to extrude. The problem is that I need it to taper as
it extrudes. For instance, picture a rectangular piece of tubing with very
round corners, that is 2.0" x 1.45" on one end, I need to extrude this,
about 6" in length, making both dimensions grow to 2.5" x 1.95" on the
other end, so a half inch taper on each dimension.

How do I do a taper extrude like this? I'm using SW2004.
You should be able to loft your shape from the profile at one end (2.0
x 1.45) to the shape at the other end (2.5 x 1.95). If you don't
know how to do a loft, the help files explain it well.

Another option is to extrude your shape using the draft option (draft
outwards from the small end, or inwards from the large end) and shell
it after to acheive the tubular section.

This method will give you control over the angle of the sides, whereas
the loft method will give you control over the dimensions of the tube
at both ends.

Good luck.
The simplest way to achieve this is to set up the first profile as a sketchon a datum, then using the datumplane tool setup adatum6inches away and parrallel to the first plane (the default setting). then define the second profile using a sketch and finally selct loft feature and pick the two profiles an dheh presto! however the drafting option gives more control over model as romeo said!


