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Team Modeling excercise-model proposal


New member
Team Modeling Exercise:

A team modeling Exercise has been initiated. Use this thread to propose the device or object to model:

Images and details are preferred.
The device should be simple enough to complete within 7 days.


Edited by: magneplanar
Maybe an idea which was mentioned in earlier threads as a Joke... when the film came out Transformers. A robot which can ( physically with pro-e mechanica ) transform into a vehicle ? Maybe very difficult as a joint project though, unless teams can communicate easily

Perhaps your suggestion of something like a pc workstation is a good idea, it made me think that the project could have a minimum of 5 objects in the assembly, then each member of the team could work with one item hence reducing the amount of communication required.

E.G A Chessboard. The only communication between members would be " Topic Of Figures " i.e standard shapes or robot figures or fantasy shapes etc etc... and also " overall size of base of figure " so they fit on a board etc !
Hi magneplanar,

As mentioned earlier in this thread, either all the teams have to design the models which have been showned or any different models.

I like the chess board idea. Some fairly intricate shapes could be considered for the pieces and using the photo renedering bolt on some nice effects could be acheived.

Current statistics:

proposal 1- computer system: 2 votes

proposal 2- transformer character: 1 vote?

proposal 3- Chess board: 2 votes

When the four teams are settled the clock will start on the final model choice. When that is settled the clock will start on the model/render, 7 days time.

please continue with your suggestions or votes

How's about and 'simple mechanical robot' (and before anyone jumps down my throat, this does come from a SW that was posted a while ago).

One of the things you could do to this sort of challange is split the challange up so that one group of teams could design the robot from a mechanical point of view (sheetmetal and basic building metal blocks) while others could wander off down the surfacing route. Each can then compare the results.

Also allows the teams to 'design' the challange for themselves, adding another level that the competition could be judged on, rather than follow a picture

My $0.02 worth of thoughts


PS Personally I'd go for the first option, coz my surfacing is rubbish
not meaning to rain on anyones parade here... but have you checked with your host.. you know the person who runs this website..

just a thought

Ihop the host doesnt have any problem as long as this contest is held in a proper way,this contest is only held so that we can learnabt the software and know each other well,but anyway its our duty to have a go from his side.
firts it is good idea to foucus on existing goods rathertaken a challangr to build something new - it would be so time consuming, I do not belive it would finish as first project.

Anyway I wonder what is the main goal behind that? Is it up to make something that looks eyecandy, or is it about creating bunch of part with proper modelling way or is it a contest for best assembly managment planning.

Just my two cents. Maybe it should be taken in consideration to set all project up to focus on best Pro\E tools usage rather than develop new goods.

So, make assemblies as top down, make parts with surf to share some intresting approaches - no 3 sied boundary blend - etc. Just to make it as example for tothers to follow.

I like an idea with this computer project. It has enough elements from almost all Pro\E modules - sheetmetal for housing and frame, surface for front, and assembly that could be skeleton driven.

So finaly lets make a project which shows greats skill in using pro\e.
something like live tutorial for others
For those that commented with methodology tips. I suggest we leave the method to the teams themselves, for best modeling or proffered approaches to the exercise. It is valuable to learn the best methods, but you all already know them, right?

The suggestions are good. I would like to keep the scope somewhat narrow this time since time is limited. I do agree that using existing products are a good idea since a visual can be found and a target set. This can become a regular occurrence if people participate and we manage the process well.

thanks for sharing...


Current statistics:

proposal 1- computer system: 4 votes

proposal 2- transformer character: 1 vote?

proposal 3- Chess board: 3 votes

proposal 4- simple mechanical robot: 1 vote

proposal 5- Home theater system: 1 vote

Thank you for your continued suggestions. Whatever proposal has the most votes as of September 23 GMT 12:00 will be the device to model. In the event of a tie a runoff can be arranged.

with regard to the purpose: The purpose is to have an exercise for team building and modeling technique under a time constraint. This will be similar to a rush project done in the real world with multiple participants. Of course the time is reduced, but that should allow the teams to focus on what is needed, an output rendering, and not each small inside detail.
Looking at a time scale of 7 days, looking at the teams and there time differences and availability, the communication will be the biggest issue imho. I think the only feasable proposals are a computer or a home theater system. They both include a bit of everything and both can bequickly divided in parts amongst the team.Creating a mechanical robot will need more communication then modelling. A chess board is also fine and would love to do the free form surfacing but lacks a bit of the other capabilities. Either way what if the project is clearly described for all teams. Eg Computer system : project goal fixed max dimensions, desktop system composed of monitor, pc case, keyboard, mouse, dimensionaly correct or not, mould technically correct or not, internals or not, etcetc

2 cents.

BTW does it needs to be rendered in Pro ?

Current statistics:(individuals voting for more than one option has been tallied)

proposal 1- computer system: 5 votes

proposal 2- transformer character: 1 vote?

proposal 3- Chess board: 3 votes

proposal 4- simple mechanical robot: 2 votes

proposal 5- Home theater system: 3 votes


I like your ideas...I am planning to make one more thread in advance of the Sept. 23 GMT 12:00 start time with the proposed guidelines for the submissions. I suggest each team choose a leader (and maybe even a group name?) and reply that they accept the details or suggestions to tailor the exercise...then by the start time you can all proceed. I am not sure if we will have enough for Team D.



