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The economy


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I just looked at some e-mails that I miss several months ago. Long story.

The MCAD e-mail is from July 1, 2011. There were TWENTY ONE items under Pro/E! Have you seen the current e-mails? 8-10 items! Is this an indication of the economy? Or is it just me?
Yep! The economy is just humming along. There were only 398,000 new unemployment claims last week. ONLY!

In the mid to late 2000'sI would, histoically, get TWO emails from CEWeekly DAILY with as manyas TWENTY listings! Now? I' lucky to get ONE e-mail with ONE listing.

But, the economy is just humming along.

You people happy withthe person for whomyou voted?
I would say the US economy is definatelystarting to turnaround because the head hunters are calling me almost daily now.And my job search engines that had long been silent are now showing jobs popping up frequently. Just this week, we have had two resignations at my company by guys who are moving on to better opportunities. I hear an economist saying just last week that when resignations occur that is a good sign - new jobs are opening up and those who move on leave an opening for a new candidate.
Manufacturing is soaring right now. I don't see any layoffs anywhere and hiring seems to be rising. Heavy industry is booming.

On the other hand, everytime I read the news they talk about budget cuts especially military cuts. How long until those cuts into defense contractors workforce?

Technology companies like smart phones and tablets are ridiculous. It's almost like the late 90s again. When the Facebook IPO comes out, there will be a lot of spreading around money that will keep it going, but I'd give them maybe another year or so until the rug is pulled out from underneath, especially with Jobs dead.

A lot of the "good" unemployed numbers come from people dropping out of the workforce. Many are going back to school,retraining or changing careers, andtaking on student debt. In a couple years, they will re-enter the workfarce and compete with young kids coming of school for thefewer jobs available, all with 10 or 20 thousand in new loans to pay off. Should be interesting to see how that works out.

Although I should add that re-training at Design-Engine is probably a far better deal than an extended hiatus at an overpriced overateduniversity. Plus it's a lot more fun.
Edited by: mgnt8
so long as they keep printing $$ it will continue to hum -
problem comes when the printing stops - will it stay up or
fall over
there is no problem with it, as long there is a demand for $$ worldwide.
If so, US can keep it printing, introducing next QE by every quarter.
Sadly that is a way to push inflation out of US. Japan does it, China
does it, so EU either. Question is who will fail first in this blood
drop challenge?

If I would be up to choose who is not going to fail I pick up US,
because it has unlimited control over oil distribution worldwide, rising
or droping its prices, thus managing the demand of $$. That is why I
expect oil price to peak up in this year(QE3 is coming soon).

There were nearly 400k NEW unemployment claims last week, the week before... I understand there are a number of machinist/technician jobs going wanting due to a lack of qualified applicants. "Everyone should go to college!" Yea, right.

There are two main reasons why our economy is so bad; Business taxes. BUSINESS DOES NOT PAY TAX! And, regulations on business that do no good, just cause more expense for the business!

Now, do an search for republic for the united states. This is the only peaceful answer.
muadib3d said:
Sadly that is a way to push inflation out of US. Japan does it, China
does it, so EU either. Question is who will fail first in this blood
drop challenge?

That's what I'm wondering about right now. It seems like something's up with our Chinese vendors.

Saw this today about the darker side of outsourcing

I think the Chinese miracle may be coming to a close. Slave labor more or less fueled much of our high standard of living for the past 15 years. Besides that, these are the people who are supposed to now buy our exports because they've reached middle class prosperity. Instead they're jumping off roofs en mass.
well, who knows it right?

US seems to keep China on leash by limiting access of this country to global resources(Libya captured, Egipt either, Iran on target).

So, China is left to buy $$ as long they found themself independent from resources distributed on US conditions. Until, that it will stay as guarantor of US debts ame as Japan, Taiwan, South Korea does, and FED can keep $$ printing.
Yeah it turns out despite all the rhetoric from upper mgmt & the C-suite, it actually requires hiring people to do work in house. Therein lies the snag.

I hear a lot about on-shoring, but is it because America's back or China is getting too expensive and dangerous?
<DIV>Remember the guys bringing jobs back are the same ones who reduced the manufacturing workforce by half over the past decade.</DIV>
<DIV>Did they suddenly and finally get religion?</DIV>
Do I need to repeat myself?

There are two main reasons why our economy is so bad; Business taxes. BUSINESS DOES NOT PAY TAX! And, regulations on business that do no good, just cause more expense for the business!

If a company cannot produce a product at a profit here, why should the company remain here?

Remember guys and gals, we need to base our opinions on FACTS not emotion.
Rog, I agree that our tax & regulation system is more burdensome compared to the guys in the developing world (but not so compared to the developed countries). I think their advantage is diminishing however (because they're getting developed - it's not rocket science).

The real problem is the second economy doesn't support as many jobs. Nobody's talking about it, but its the biggest challenge to turning things around.

I would like you to ask your CPA and an attorney that handles such things to tell you how many regulations you have to comply with in starting a company, from scratch,that manufactures a product that uses, in the manufacture of that product, a hazardous material. Not just the HAZMAT regs, but, ALL the regs you must comply with, along with the various taxes and "fees"that you will have to pay. And, heaven forbid that you try to build your building in an area that the EPA thinks is a wetland.

Just as a word of caution, make sure they are sitting down when you ask them.

As to your comment about the "second economy", that's what they said about the industrial revolution and automation. "IT'S GOING TO TAKE AWAY ALL OUR JOBS!!" No, it creats MORE jobs!
Roger said:
As to your comment about the "second economy", that's what they said about the industrial revolution and automation. "IT'S GOING TO TAKE AWAY ALL OUR JOBS!!" No, it creats MORE jobs!

I have this argument all the time so I'm not going to belabor the point. The industrial revolution & automation did destroy lots of jobs, butmore were eventually created elsewhere. The point is now we're running out of elsewheres.
That's a good example of where things are headed

In 2010 the Chicago Innovation Awards recognized crowdSPRING, a company that pools together creatives & designers from all over the world (not mentioned is how this drives down the rate, but that's another issue)

In 2011 they recognized Narrative Science, a company that puts reporters out of work

Edited by: mgnt8


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