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There, I’ve said it! I have to do it

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OK for the ongoing call for contributions.

Next question in my mind is: You've got loads of tips, tutorials and suggestions. The stuff is beginning to pile up pretty seriously. How would you structure the categories so that a student with a specific problem or task to accomplish could go fairly directly to what he's looking for without surfing around for hours.

Would it be possible to pool all the stuff that's on different sites; or at least create a search engine that could link you to the site with the resource that most closely matches your need?

well here are some of the Titles and ideas for layout or home pages type of thing...

I'd really like to get my hands on more imagesfrom ProE models, it would be great if we could get a screen shot then rendering then actual photograph ofproducts in use today..

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This type of thing could be backed up by a table of all tutorials/tips etc categorized with a short description and submitters name.. could add a search to it...

as for pooling all the stuff that's on the different sites.. I could if I got the permission of the author on every occasion.. not sure thats viable...

as for a search of all the other sites, I'm not sure how to accomplish that.. if anybody has any ideas on this please let me know.. I suppose what you want is a modifies "Google" that would only search a list of sites.. is that what you are on about?

Hi James

Who did the Ferrari?

What I meant about cross referencing other sites with similar resources is that there will inevitably bea certain amount of overlap. So I wonder if the no charge part of other sites could be accessed directly from your future site. And whether this could be done with a single search.

This would imply a certain amounts of mutual agreements, and keeping indexed cross referenced descriptions of external resources with free access. Not trying to make things more complicated; just wondering if overlap could be turned into a positive factor.

The Ferrari is pretty sweet alright isn't it - while I did model a Ferrari, with similar detail, this I cannot say is mine..
, it was done in 3dsMax and rendered with the Brazil plug-in by a guy called Julian Salazar..

Re the search option, I'm not sure how to go about it to be honest.. as you said you would need a certain amount of collaboration..
Thanks Ed, looks like it's already there..

I realize that there are many good tutorial, tips and technique websites, and really, some of them are very good! they are there already, so,I'mhopefully not going to try to recreate them.

although, what I'd like to do is perhaps, take some of the best of them, go through it with ProE while capturingthe video output with Camtasia (possibly the Audio of my comments at the same time, but being fromthe very south of Ireland, I'm not sure too many of ye could could understand me!
- but Hey, I'm willing to give it a go!)then host this video on my site with 2 versions of the tutorial part file, student and commercial available to download with either a link to the original site orpossibly a printable pdf of the tutorial (if the author allow it)

Do you think it is necessary toseek the authors permission to reproduce their tutorial on a separate site if their name, company and original web link is credited?

what do you think?

Edited by: james.lynch

You may wish to correct youremail address before you go worldwide. I believe modeling is spelled with one "L".

Just a thought.
Ha! funny one!
what can I say, I'm a true engineer! I'm sure its not my only mistake in these posts, although getting better since Ifound out about ieSpell! Ican't spell to save my life! give me some heavy integration any day

Btw, just checked and, wait for it..

modelling : the act of representing something (usually on a smaller scale) [syn: model, modeling]

Good old diff between the US and European Spelling eh? Colour and Color my good man!

Thanks anyway!

Edited by: james.lynch

I am in the process of developing the site and awaiting Final Approval from the University IT department having secured backing from the Mechanical and AeronauticalDepartment for web server space..

so keep an eye out here! as soon as the site is up and goingbelieve me I will be shouting it from theroof tops!

In the mean time.. Everybody I need a little more help! this time with the aesthetics of the site! here's what I'm looking for..

I'd like some screen shots of products as they were designed in ProE and then possiblya marketing photograph of the actual product in service, these will be featured heavily on a rotating/random sequence as a backdrop on the home page of the site.. (Nice FREE advertising! win, win really! plug your company, plug your skills, supply a web link)

if possible, include maybea marketing slogan or something quote about the product (include name) or perhaps a few words (maybe under 10) of how ProE helped in the design and development of the product..

what I want to try and create is an sense of excitement when new users visit the page and say "my god, look at what these guys have done! .. maybe sometime in the future I'll be that good!" give them some instant visual encouragement!

please submit anything you thing may be relevant to [email protected] if supplying pictures and if it is possible to submit the pictures including layers if say for example text has been added - the reason for this is that these pictures will serve as the backdrop for the entire home page andif say I have menus/buttons or whatever in a certain area f the screen, then logo's quotes etc may get covered over and we don't want that!

Looking forward to hearing from you

Hello to all and to James!

The project to create web site with tips and tricks for Pro/E is excellent idea, especially for students, so tried to make it real!.

There are a lot university in world, and a lot students which are interesting in learning Pro/E. For example my university the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture in Zagreb also have Pro/Engineer, and a lots of students using Pro/E, but the problem is that we don't have tutorials, and manuals to learn it well. So web site whit tips and tricks it would be nice to have something like that,that when you leave universityyou willbe an expert in Pro/E.

Maybe we can link few university's together for web hosting, and also students to create more tips and tricks, help you to maintain site and everything else.

I would defiantly be interested in some sort of collaboration, not sure about the maintaining of the site (I just signed a document detailing that I would be the sole person involved with the site and cannot give out the password, so I'm fully accountableto the university if anything goes wrong)

Although I realize that I will need help and a lot of it! so the students creating tutorials would be of greatbenefit, provide their take on the learning process, which may help other new users to understand better!

I received access to the web server yesterday, I hope to have the site uploaded over the weekendand maybe by mid next week have it up and running!

I would be keen to talk some more about universities across the globecontributing to this Global user group!

Edited by: james.lynch
OK I will tried to assemble a small group of students (if no one else then just me!) who are interesting it this and willing to help and create videos, or editing them, or do whatever need. So when will have more informations I will let you know.
Oh and nice work on Bismarc!

Just wondering where did you get all dimensions of ship and all of its equipments, or did you just assume some of them?
blood sweat and tears! Thanks by the way!

got the dims from various scources, web sites, foums library booksetc.. though about buying plans on the net but they were a couple of hundred euro, so I didn't bother!

while some assumptions were made, the majority of it was perfectly to scale (1:100)..

I thought it was about time for an update..

The Development of the site is coming along nicely.. I apologies it hasn't been finished yet but I think it is important to put in a considerable amount of work in to the aesthetics of the site so it will "inspire" people when they visit it. for this reason it is taking a bit longer than expected... I have to learn MAcromedia Flash, Dreamweaver and Fireworks, I'm also trying to get Coldfusion installed on the university's web server (a bit or red tape to get through) and also trying to learn PHP, so it's not that have abandoned the idea, quite the opposite actually, the majority of my time these days i spend on the site..

I have been in contact with Ed Stephenson (Director of RUG - PTC/User) and have arranged a meeting with both himself and Ted Bradshaw (Director of Education - PTC/User) at the PTC/User World Event in Florida this year to discuss possible options/publicity. Ed also suggested that there should be an "Educators only" section or mini forum, the idea would be that Lecturers, tutors and teachers could access this area and discuss methods, swap ideas discuss relevance of certain areas to industry etc..I also would like to try and corner John Stuart (Senior VicePresident Education & Global Business Partners- PTC) and see if he can help out at all in some way..I met him at last years world event and he seemed fairly approachable..

I'm currently developing a"Tip of the Day" flash interface for the home page, basically it will randomly select and showatipof the day, be search-able by date and keywordand users will also be able to submit a tip right there on the home page! the front end stuff is pretty easy, it all the background stuff that needs to be put in there is taking the time...

As for the Video Gallery here is what I'm working on...

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as you hover over the thumbnails, it cycles through a short (maybe 5 seconds) of the video in the thumbnail itself and you get a balloon popup (shown center)and when you click on it, it updates the preview on the right where is plays a compressed version of thevideo file (including sound) and detailsthe tutorial and the presenter. so this it's a bad way to plug your companyor indeed yourself! (my thanks to Bard Brejcha for many images BTW)so as you can see you can filter the tutorials by topic or presenter, and it'sveryeasy to navigate and find what you are looking for!

So I think I'm probably another week away before I getthese things actually working so I really do apologize for the delay! bu I'm sure you canappreciate for someone who is not a web developer - this is quite a bit of work!

I'll post a few more screen shots a little later in the week and fingers corssed I'll post the web addres this day next week!

So again if anybody woudl like to submit a tip, or some images of products that they design and they would like to plug them - send me a mail at [email protected]

That's it for, but let me know what you think,



Edited by: james.lynch
Hi James. Looks very, very interesting.

Maybe I've missed something, but where do we go to access this stuff?

Guy, I haven't actually uploaded anything yet... I'm having a bit of bother getting everything to work!
it's a bit more difficult that I initially thought, actually it's not really I'm making it more difficult because I feel the aesthetics arereally important and since I'm a bit of a perfectionistit's not finished yet!but hey.. it's a learning experience!

I hope to have a beta version of the site up and going this day next week (monday 23rd - I hope)

the image I uploaded earlier will be linked from the home page

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The image is actually part of a flash movie which cycles through various images ofanything really - I want to demonstrate what Pore can do here..

the "Tip of the day"interface is shown in the bottom right.. it will actually display a tip (randomly generated from a database) upon loading - you will also be able to search by date or keyword.

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Here is a copy of the (FREE) registrationpage

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So that will be the general site layout.. what'd ya think?
Edited by: james.lynch
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