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Things just don't work.


New member
How hard would it be for PTC to actually test things? I mean seriously.

I use this software almost every day of my life...and it is constantly AGGRAVATING.


While installing...just simply trying to install the stupid software on my home PC with a student license...

The first time it wouldn't let me change the install location.
I copied and pasted the text location, hit install, and it still installed on my C: drive. (obviously not where I wanted it on my SSD).
So...I had to uninstall. Well, it wouldn't let me delete the PTC folder because some unknown process was being used somehow.
SO. safe mode. uninstall. fine. yay.
Second time. Install the software. Finally it lets me change the location to F:\ No I don't want quality agent. Okay.
Oh wait, one of the packages didn't install. Retry.
Oh! it installed.
Okay now...let's open Creo. WAIT. It installed a desktop icon that points to the C:\ drive. Nothing there. Obviously.
Manually edit the pointer for the icon. Open Creo. Oh! I can't use Creo without the quality agent. THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME EARLIER.
Okay, open the installer for the third time. Install the quality agent.
Oh look all of those wonderful desktop icons are back. I ONLY NEED PARAMETRIC. Delete them all for the third time.
And what do you know, LITERALLY AN HOUR LATER. The stupid software is working.

NOT TO MENTION! I wouldn't have had to uninstall and reinstall completely if there was a sane way to update the damn software to the newest build and/or update your license without uninstalling.



and think, some users take 20 years to get this pissed... congrats PTC, you've finally had an impact and accelerated something!!
And so the story continues, it all sounds way to familiar to me. As for moving forward would someone care to provide an other option ? I realize nothings perfect but - What is a better option for someone who needs a parametric solid modeler without a lot of headaches ?

And plz keep the flame on a low setting after all I am unwinding from a long day of wrestling with Pro-e & Windchill. Thanks
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It is pretty straight forward to install the software on a single machine like any other software.

Just go through the prompts. Some people just don't have any patient.
Works fine for me. Im pissed that it's raining in Athens Greece. It took me 50 years to get here too. Oh wait. it's 60f degrees. I can deal. Im by the pool drinking capachino and it's to be partly cloudy today. My glass is half full

