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This will be The death of me..

design-engine said:
LT72884 - "I really need a girl whos last name doesnt end in .jpg"Funny!

LOL, im glad you get a kick outa that.

Ok, today is some more questions about orintation. Little did i realize when you guys were talking about orintation, that there was an ACTUAL option called orintation in the sketcher window. hahaha.

Ok, so i pick front as my sketch plane with right as my reference plane and top as my orintation. What does top mean? top of what plane? the reference plane? Is top a positive side and bottom a negitive?

I also tried front as my sketch plane with right as my reference plane and bottom as my orintation. and my brain got all sorts of confused. I cant tell what the bottom means. Is it the bottom of the sketch plane, reference plane or none of those? lol. Im not used to the way this modler works. im used to stuff like 3ds max, the unreal engine level modler and sketch up. BUT i have to learn this or what kind of ME am i gonna be. haha. Oh and i get to do a full 3 semesters of autocad and solid works. SO this forum is very handy for me. Thanx guys.
Remember how we discussed that a plane has a positive and negtive side? An orientation selection of Top means the possitive side of the plane you used for as an orientation reference will point to the top of your screen.
LT72884 said:
Ok, so i pick front as my sketch plane with right as my reference plane and top as my orintation. What does top mean? top of what plane? the reference plane? Is top a positive side and bottom a negitive?

Why don't you just try a couple different planes and orientations and extropolate what you did to the results? Some people are better visual learners than "text-ual". You can access the Sketch Setup while in the sketch. Even better add the Sketch Setup button to your sketch toolbar. It also may be easier if you create a rectangular block so when you are changing your planes and orientation you get visual feedback of how your choices are affecting your Sketch Setup.

<div style="text-align: center;">View attachment 4757
LT72884 said:
Ok, so i pick front as my sketch plane with right as my reference plane and top as my orintation. What does top mean?

It means that the positive side of the RIGHT plane (which you picked as the reference plane) will face the top.

LT72884 said:
I also tried front as my sketch plane with right as my reference plane and bottom as my orintation. and my brain got all sorts of confused. I cant tell what the bottom means. Is it the bottom of the sketch plane, reference plane or none of those?

It means that the positive side of the RIGHT plane (which you picked as the reference plane) will face the bottom. So, this will be upside down compared to the other.
dgs said:
LT72884 said:
Ok, so i pick front as my sketch plane with right as my reference plane and top as my orintation. What does top mean?

It means that the positive side of the RIGHT plane (which you picked as the reference plane) will face the top.

LT72884 said:
I also tried front as my sketch plane with right as my reference plane and bottom as my orintation. and my brain got all sorts of confused. I cant tell what the bottom means. Is it the bottom of the sketch plane, reference plane or none of those?

It means that the positive side of the RIGHT plane (which you picked as the reference plane) will face the bottom. So, this will be upside down compared to the other.

will face the top of the screen or my block will be above the top plane?

I have tried multiple sketches using the orintations, but when i apply the sketch and it leaves the 2d mode and returns to 3d mode, i cant seem to see why, when i picked the bottom as my orintation and front as my sketch and right as me reference, it put my sketch to the left of the top plane in the (-)X region. To me, it seems logical to just use front,right, top when you draw anything.


OH, and does any one havee the pdf of that link that was given on page one? wouldnt mind having a portable file of it.

Edited by: LT72884
Oh my goodnes, I just figured part of this out. So i could never tell what was going on in the sketcher veiw, untill now. i had it set to front top top and i couldnt figure out why the words top was on the right of the screen and the word right on the bottom of the screen. i realized that those words were not meaning that the front plane was facing right bottom or anything, i realized that those were the other planes. just the labeling of those planes were in a weird spot. Here is the picture that shows what i mean.


See the word top next to the green F. i thought that meant that that was the top side of the front plane, but i was wrong, the dashed line that goes from left to right in the center of the front plane is the top plane. I didnt see that till i rotated it a bit and saw that. that makes life so much easier now when i look at it to draw.
All you are doing when you define the sketcher orientation is orienting (positioning) the model ion the screen. Think of it like a Rubik's cube - you are saying something similar to I want to look at the green side and put the red side so it faces up.

It has nothing to do with where you might actually draw your sketch on your plane, only how the model is positioned on screen.
Your instructor probably does not know Pro/ENGINEER and like most colleges or community programs the students end up teaching the class.
design-engine said:
Your instructor probably does not know Pro/ENGINEER and like most colleges or community programs the students end up teaching the class.

pretty much. He is also the statics and dynamics professor, which means i will not take classes from him for that..
the IL State government made WIA grant monies available only to Community colleges. Now the local community college where our State rep is on the board wants me to teach Pro/ENGINEER there.Now we take WIA grants for every place in the country except CA FL and IL Ironic.

