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Thread form in holes


New member
Hi I am new to Pro/E and have been doing ok learning but I have run in to a problem in that I need a NPT thread form and it is not an option. Is this because I have the student edition? How do I go about getting it or do I need to create it?

Thanks in advance.
in wf-2 you can insert a sketch hole with the needand you could make a helical section sweep or insert cosmetic thread. keep in mind when you are sketching the hole you need a axis of rotation just like a revolve.

hope this help.

I am a new Pro-E user. Trying to learn and doing good till now. Could some one tell me how to create a square thread on the screw. Just the steps needed to createthe threadson the outside of the screw. Thanks a lot in advance.

arroyopr said:
in wf-2 you can insert a sketch hole with the needand you could make a helical section sweep or insert cosmetic thread. keep in mind when you are sketching the hole you need a axis of rotation just like a revolve.

hope this help.

Well that went straight over my head. Is there no way to add to the existing options?
Hi Nemmi

step1:do the protrusion

Step2:these are the series of operations that you need to do

1.cut:advanced:helical sweep:done

2.draw the vertical line for indicating the direction of cut and the distance of cut. asks for pitch

4.after the trajectory is done , draw a traingular section(the base of the section has to be smaller than the pitch)which indiactes the tooth profile:



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