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threaded rod


New member
im very new to solidworks...but what im trying to do is make a threaded
rod. ive been working with the cosmetic thread. but i
cant get it to work. say i have a rod and need to put threads on
it. the threads dont have to be accurate, just on there.
this has to be something super easy to do. :-D. thank

The way that I would do it is as follows.

1- Create the Rod with an Extrude feature (major diameter).

2- Select the Edge of the Extruded featurethen, select the Cosmetic Thread command.

3- Fill in the information for diameter (minor diameter) and length of the thread.

4- Then you could apply a chamfer at each end if so desired.

Hope this helps.
If you do not need to have the helix shape, what I do is model one thread tooth and revolve it around the cylinder. If you model the minor diameter I revolve the positive, if you model the major diameter I revolve a cut. Then create a linear pattern with your spacing being the pitch.

Another quick way if you are using standard screw is to download an already created model from an online vendor like mcmaster carr or someone like that. I use mcmaster. It doesn't come down as a solidworks model. It comes as an IGES so you don't have much control over the size.

Hope this is helpful.


