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Dear All,

What are the inputs required to build a new post in nx from scratch? I dont have a referencenc file for the machine/controller.

Without a proven nc file of that machine

How to find out what are the blocks required in the start and end of program?

How to find out whether or not to add sequence numbers?

How to find out what G and M codes the controller understands.

Best Regards,
What type of machine & control ?

Do you have Post Builder?

What version of NX?

You can search the web for the machine / controler

talk to the company that makes the machine
Surely you have a manual for this machine/controller? It should tell you almost everything you need to know. You can always do a web search for someone who does post processors for NX and you will probably find one for your machine. As camster said, talk to the company that makes the machine. If they can't give you some leads then you are in trouble.

Dear John/Larry,

Sorry for that not so clear post.

1. Its a Klink high speed milling machine fitted with Aradex control. Built in 1995 in Germany. But still in good condition.

2. We are using NX4

3. I did searched the whole web as well but didnt find the PP for this control.

4. Yes I have manuals, a bunch of them. The purpose of my last post was to identify "almost everything" what i need to know.

5. I myself built/edited several PPs using TCL in the past but every time I had a proven nc file as reference with which i matched my output.

6. I firmly believe that this company KLINK GMBH does not exist anymore. I dont find any webpage related to this company.

With all these constraints can I still hope for running NX programs on it?

Best Regards,
The controler company seems to be in buisness

I would start with a failrly generic Fanuc post and see what happens. Looks like it will be a lot of trial and error. Prepare to spend a lot of time at in the shop manualy programming and see what works.

What I would identify would be

Start of program blocks

toolchange blocks

tool offsets

canned cycles

cutter comp

circular motion

NX4 should have no problem generating a tool path the real "trick" is getting the post to output what you need. Looks like you are going to have to do some research to find that out.
Thanks very much John i appriciate it. I hope i can convince my management to allot me some time for R&D.

You have the manuals, do you have post builder?
<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
In Post builder there is an M and G code page where you can enter the proper codes.
You can change the I,J,K output from the circular motion page.
And modify the cycles from the cycle parameters.

This should at least get you something to start with.

How many axis on this machine?
No i dont havepost builder. I am planning to make a localcopy (*.tcl and *.def)of generic 3ax fanuc post and edit manually using TCL.

About G and M codes, i am trying to modify theseat SYSTEM VARIABLE DECLARATIONS? IJK and cycles through their respectiveprocs.

Its a 3 axis machine.


