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Trajpar variables


Super Moderator
can someone please explain what trajpar variables are, and why/where/how they are used?

Edited by: solidworm
A simple example is when you want to sweep a conic along two trajectories like in an air foil such as a wing. Some Aero dynamics engineer has specified that they might want to vary the RHO value across the entire (100 percent) length of the variable section sweep to see how a fluid analysis might preform.

Then the Pro/E user if he is trying to save time and money may anticipate changing the model 20 times. (thats So he/she will draw a graph to drive that variable. Changing the graph will change the feature.

FYI: For an exact RHO value = the square root of two minus one for an ellipse.

The wing designer now wants on the top of the wing near the fuselage to be a .46 RHO and at a different value at the tip of the wing to be a .39 ... So my graph in that case might be a strait line with a slope of where .46 on one side and on the other a .39
Edited by: design-engine
On another forum I was told by a hi level user.. (Paul Salvador) that Soldworks has plans for this feature in a future release but she can't do that graph geometry yet.

Edited by: design-engine
no brat, i'm a mechanical engineering student. i was informed by another user here (jeff) about his expertise in MCAD. so i thought it would be great to find him on the net.
so basically it's a variable which gets values(0<trajpar<1) while the profile is sweeping the path. zero at the start of the sweep and 1 at the end and proportianal to the fraction of the total lenght, in between.
oh, sorry about the wrong location brat, i thought my country is not on the list as always when registering. i looked again when you asked about the weather,and i found it. the weather is so hot here. hope the day comes when there will be a direct flight from the US to iran and the friendship reborn.
Your English is spot on!Welcome.

There are thousands of Iranians in Chicago. There is a love for their homeland country unmatched by many of the Chicago cultures. ran a rendering competition some years back and received quite a few entries from Iran. While at GA Tech during the Carter years several of my class mates told me stories of when they were kids in Iran.

On the design side where cultural awareness is quite a bit more of a topic, you might consider joining the IDFORUM. Let me see if i can look up the info for sign-up... I recall several Iranian industrial designers (in school) participating in conversations on that email exploder.

Probably a little scary since Iran's recent flexing of muscle by firing missile tests... being a student... and your soon to be engineer hopefully making useful products and not in a military sector...

Edited by: design-engine
I guess I should check all the forums before I post - trajpar coming soon to saladworks, great, cant wait.SWorm, once your homeland has regime change & the sanctions are lifted & you come to design-engine's surfacing class, you can eat dinner at a restaurant called Pars Cove, whose family hails from the ancient city of Bam. Good food, good company.One question for you: Is there much industrialor prodcut design in Persia? I thought it was all oil & gas in your neck of the woods, although I have read about plastics & polymer processing expanding in theGulf region.
there are all kinds of industrial activities in iran, from heavy industries/machinery,oil and gas and automotive to plastic design and regime change!

i'm sure you'd love some delicious Persian dishes at pars cove. dont forget 'shishlik','kabab' and 'ghorme sabzi' if they have those on their menu.

Edited by: solidworm
I guess we'll see. First lesson of Brand strategy: people love new but change is a much dicier proposition.Maybethat'swhat makes trajpar relations so appealing, absolute elegant geometric certainty?Anyway what's the old saying: yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision, but today well lived...
not only can you have something like a value changing along the traj

you can also have some logic in the sketch relation ..have it apply a different eq based on a parameter value

if ck==4

if ck<>4

not the best of examples but I think it gives you the idea.. could be accomplished with a part relation passing values to parameters, which could be picked up at sketch level

a string can be passed to a evalgraph..

where myval="graph1" in a rel..or defined as a s string parameter

evalgraph(mystr,trajpar*10) and evalgraph("graph1",trajpar*10) are the same thing

so you could switch graphs based on some value

you have to open & close edit defination to get it to process a string change
i checked reza's online. they have some nice persian dishesh in their menu. i recommend one of these for dinner:
Kabob Koubideh
Kashkeh Bodemjan
Ghormeh Sabzi +Maust Khiar or Maust musir
Dolmeh Felfel
ask them if the got doogh too. it's a good alternative for coke.

about laleh, yes she is quite famous in iran, but racing is not a common sport in iran. iranians are mostly enthusiast about soccer and koshti (wrestling). we got some top notch wrestling champions in iran.


Edited by: solidworm
I guesselections come& go, missiles fly here &there and conflicts ebb & flow but we will always have food. Its our universal translator. Dolma is the best but where I grew up we called it warak eenab andour alternative to cokewas shiraz. The reason I ask about design interest & opportunities is because I've been hearing about materials processing such as steel and polymers moving to the Middle East due to enviromental restrictions in Europe & the US. Once manufacturing moves, it seems the next logical step would be design also. I was just wondering if this is extending to conceptual CAD design. We don't here from many Persians on this subject and it would beinteresting to getthis perspective
where were you born mgnt8? shiraz is actually the name of a city in iran.

"I was just wondering if this is extending to conceptual CAD design."... no i dont think so or at least this policy does not apply to iran due to isolation souvenir, the islamic revolution brought to us!

