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Trajpar variables

The Persian culture has more young people than any other culture. It's young people that are turning around the united states attitude. It's young people that will turn around other country/culture attitudes. One figure I read was 70 percent of the Iranian population is under 35 years old.I think it's quite the opposite in the states however it's young people

Not quite off the topic of Pro/ENGINEER....

The idea of forcing a country into an embargo could be debated. Trying to flex economy muscle onto a country so they are economically segregated for 20+ years will cause the culture a specific resentment while attitudes evolve inappropriately. Like all young men there is a desire for strength along with national pride. It would only seam appropriate for a country to wish for the nuclear bargaining chips.

Chicago has been described as secular and segregated. I disagree and for the same reason others may argue that Chicago is segregated, I use the same argument to exclaim how rich the separate cultures are secured. One neighborhood is Ukraine with Ukrainian bakeries and people and the next neighborhood 4 blocks away is polish with polish bakeries. Segregated cultures remain intact which is probably what the Persian culture would be fearful of. Loosing customs and kids wearing those stupid mickey mouse t-shirts and when they get older rebellious rap music. We forget young people are and should to rebel.Thats how the personality is developed.It is because of these points that in my opinion Chicago is a culturally rich society.And allowing a culture to coexist within another is a great and healthy for a society. In contrast, segregating a culture by economic embargo may prove to not have been healthy for the global health of the society.

Maybe if there had not been the economic embargo to Iran, the natural flow of thoughts and ideas with respect to design and commerce could have be shared. Where design students, engineering students and cultures are all shared and preserved. It seams to me that the strength of the American individual is that each person can be a diplomat of sorts as friendships form ect.

Jimmy Carter had a degree in nuclear engineering BTW.

(except for the American redneck) Thats another topic and each culture has their redneck
Edited by: design-engine
Bart, the whole nuclear story is a tool to extend the life of the much hated islamic regime. they want the nuclear power to secure their force on iranian people and outside. this regime is alien to iranian culture, these guys are insatiable! during the madman ahmadinejad presidency ,iran has had as much income from oil export as it had since beginning to the last 3 years! and much of it is all gone! to whose pocket, i dont know. perhaps to their bank accounts in clown chavez country, venezuela or hamas and hizbollah. they are building lebanon with iranian money!
most of the iranian people know what the regime is actualy seeking in the nuclear dispute and dont want nuclear power until the regime is gone. iranian's are religious but to a much ,much lower degree than the madman ahmadinejad. this man is sick, has paranoia and is a true liar.when he says something, be aware that the oposite is actually true.
iranian people are aware of the facts but the smallest opposition is treated with maximum punishment. they rule the politics of fear.

update: you might have read the news about the funny adobe photoshop trick they did with the missiles launching photo. ( photo-of-missile-launch-adding-fourth-rocket/703611/ ml)
well i think the whole strory is an adobe premiere trick!

Edited by: solidworm
design-engine said:
Laleh Seddigh is a famous racer (for me) and she is in Iranian and 'she' is to be very fast.

Wow, great story. Danica Patrick isso famous and she's barely won one race. It sounds like Laleh could kick her ass. Bet you'd like to get her on the Autobahn track to see what she could do. Maybe if she threw in some Greco-Roman wrestling moves she'd be more accepted.
Greg: Ill be at Autobahn all day Monday with

solidworm: It's a funny Adobe Sales pitch. I wanted to see a hi-rez image so to see how good those kids are at Photoshop.
i couldnt find a larger photo than this one:

this is now a source of satire in iranian websites. this one titles "iran launched hundreds of shahab 1,2,3... missiles in a remote desert":


Edited by: solidworm
Trajpar:-Hugely powerful part of Pro-E....can give mindbending results for non linear oscillations if used in conjunction with sine and cosine functions.

Imagine a spring with a diameter thatgrows and shrinksall the time and deviates from its arc centre trajectory.

Then try to get one made....

