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Trouble with Automatically Loading Color Map File


New member
I started using Creo 2.0 recently and I can't get it to load my color map file automatically. I can manually load it by going in to the Appearances Mangager menu but that is annoying.

I have this line in my file:

pro_colormap_path C:/ProE_Configuration-Files/appearance.dmt

appearance.dmt is the color map file that I've used for several years with previous versions of WF.

Does anyone know why my appearance.dmt won't load automatically at startup with this parameter?

I started using Creo 2.0 recently and I can't get it to load my color map file automatically. I can manually load it by going in to the Appearances Mangager menu but that is annoying.

I have this line in my file:

pro_colormap_path C:/ProE_Configuration-Files/appearance.dmt

appearance.dmt is the color map file that I've used for several years with previous versions of WF.

Does anyone know why my appearance.dmt won't load automatically at startup with this parameter?

I have this in my config
system_colors_file C:\syscol.scl
for the screen color
Try getting rid of the - in the directory name. The underscores work fine but I have had trouble getting paths with -s to work correctly.
Try changing the option in the to read like this:

pro_colormap_path C:\ProE_Configuration-Files
Use a back slash instead of a forward slash and remove the appearance.dmt from the string.
Hey guys sorry for the really late reply but your answers helped me resolve the issue. I found that removing the filename ("appearance.dmt") is what enable this parameter to work. Using a forward slash or back slash in the file names did not make a difference.

To clarify for posterity.

In Creo 2.0 to load a color map file named "appearance.dmt" remember the following when setting up your file.

This does not work:
pro_colormap_path C:/ProE_Configuration-Files/appearance.dmt

This does work:
pro_colormap_path C:/ProE_Configuration-Files

