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un pattern


New member
I have a hand full of potential MCAD central participants in my class looking at MCAD central as a resource. So I thought I would bounce a question off the users here to show them how powerful this recourse is.

Years ago there was an un-pattern command for breaking up a pattern (not delete pattern). Where is that command now?
Select the pattern of a feature pattern, that is, the feature pattern pattern that you want to unpattern on the Model Tree and right-click. A shortcut menu appears.

Click Unpattern. The selected pattern of a feature pattern is unpatterned and the result is a set of feature patterns.

Note: You can unpattern the pattern of a feature pattern only if the pattern is either a dimension pattern or a table pattern.

In the Model Tree, select the pattern of a group or the pattern of a pattern, and right-click and choose Unpattern. The selected pattern is unpatterned.

•When the pattern of a group is unpatterned, the result is a set of groups.
•When the pattern of a pattern is unpatterned, the result is a set of patterns.
You learn something new every day. I never patterned a pattern before. In WF3 if you want to unpattern a pattern you have to group the feature you are patterning before you pattern it. Then when you right click on the pattern the unpattern option shows up. Unpattern is not there if the feature is not grouped. Looks like they simplified that process in WF4.
So many of you probably don't use Unpattern but in a class today I am trying to share unpattern in Creo 3.0 and the command is missing.

Creo 2.0 its there.

Group some features to pattern. Pattern them. Left click right hold down and you should see 'unppattern'

I just checked it out.
In Creo 3.0 M100
In the model tree right click the pattern and unpattern is there.


