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using assigned material in family table - how to ......


New member
I have a family table of tube sections - different lengths and section dimensions. I have assigned the generic the material steel, this is fine ~ however I wish to also assign some of the items to become aluminum, even if you assign the part (not the generic) aluminum they all change. Can you call out the system parameter for the assigned material or assign specific material for an instance.


I realize what you suggest ~ however I guess I failed to be specific enough. When you have a generic part (with FT members) setup>material>assign select for example steel. Do an analysis model properties, now I want one of the FT members to have a different material - for example aluminum ~ so some of the FT members are steel & others are aluminum. However if I assign one of the FT members a material they all change...

It is the same procedure. You need a parameter for the material, so you can bring it into the family table and assign different materials to different instances. In your case, before you bring this parameter to the family table, write the relation that connects your new

