The first bug I've seen is this: Checkin your files at the end of a long day of modeling, and every once in a while, when checking out the files the next morning, your previous day's work has mysteriously vanished! This does wonders for productivity. It's also taught us to never permanently delete your local files until you're sure that your previous days work has been safely vaulted. This usually means "parking" your local files somewhere until you've checked them out the next day. IMHO, vaulting programs are supposed to eliminate this type of headache!!
The second bug (might be related to the first) is if you choose the automatic "delete local files" while checking in, it seems more often than not your work gets lost. So never set the delete local files option.
Having worked a short time with SW and a fairly long time with Pro, I couldn't agree more with Dell_Boy. Likewise, I've used it since 12/05, so I have yet tosee its full potential, but it is clear to me thatSW is a lower-end CAD package. If you have the choice, stick with Pro.
The first bug I've seen is this: Checkin your files at the end of a long day of modeling, and every once in a while, when checking out the files the next morning, your previous day's work has mysteriously vanished! This does wonders for productivity. It's also taught us to never permanently delete your local files until you're sure that your previous days work has been safely vaulted. This usually means "parking" your local files somewhere until you've checked them out the next day. IMHO, vaulting programs are supposed to eliminate this type of headache!!
The second bug (might be related to the first) is if you choose the automatic "delete local files" while checking in, it seems more often than not your work gets lost. So never set the delete local files option.
Having worked a short time with SW and a fairly long time with Pro, I couldn't agree more with Dell_Boy. Likewise, I've used it since 12/05, so I have yet tosee its full potential, but it is clear to me thatSW is a lower-end CAD package. If you have the choice, stick with Pro.