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Wants to share - wit 2-3 yrs in customize


New member
Hi All,

I thinks this user forum for CATIA is not up to the mark. I wants to boost it up, I'm having some years of experience in CATIA customization. I wants to share my thoughts and I wants to share your solutions also.


Hi Loganathan,

Thanks for wanting to share your thoughts... Would you happen to know whatfunction is used to place a jpg picture file into a drawingor make an OLE link to a jpg file (getfile()???).

Hi Loganathan.

Appreciate your thoughts...

Can you please guide me in starting with Catia Customization...


Hi loganathan ,
Really pleasent to here that well versed guys like u willing to enlighten the juniors like us.. hats off

we are eagerly waitng for your thougts abt Customizations..thanks in advance on behalf of all juniors ....
Hi loganathan,

Can i have ur guidane in starting of Customization in Catia. if yes i will send u the personal mail id also.
Hi Lganathan

I am a beginer in this field previouslyi am having experience in interior autocomp design. Your guidance is of great importance for person like me

as you have great experience in this field please give

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