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WF2 vs WF4 mapkey/trail files


New member
Hey all,

I have recently converted from wf2 to wf4. I have a ton of mapkeys that don't work anymore, but the trail files I had still do! I found out that the reason is becasue of the way pro/e codes the way you click on file,edit,view,analysis,info,ect. It use to reference the file, open, but now only reference the open command. I think they did this in case they ever decide to move some of the menus/commands around, or they coded it differently since wisdom systems no longer make the code for the trail files anymore. You can still read in a trail file from wf2 in wf4 even though they are now 2 entire different codes, but how long will this work?

Has anyone had some problems with trailfiles/mapkeys when converting to wf4? Did you leave your trail files the same or convert them. Common.....I need some replys from the big dogs...dgs, design_engine, dr_gallup.

Thanks in advance,


