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What is the purpose of an Upload??

pjw said:
pjw said:
trillicomm said:
pjw said:
ABB_pajo said:
It is always possible to open up the files from the cache.
It is a bit tricky: First search in explorer for containing text and then you have to rename the file to .prt or whatever fileextension.. But uptil now this have not been a problem, rather the problem was that the users forgot to upload before check-in..

Is it possible to NOT UPLOAD during check-in? I'm not so sure it is.

No, a check-in is an upload with iterations.

Yes, but you can't do a check-in without first uploading modified files (and by that I mean files that have been check out with the intention of storing in Commonspace).

Is there a way to check-in without going through the upload process?

No. The way Windchill works to transfer information is like this. It is the same for uploading, downloading, checking in and out, and just opening from Windchill

Pro E in session - Client side workspace (on your computer) - Server side workspace - Common Space (where stuff is checked in and iterated on the server).

This is the path it always takes. You can not bypass from the client side directly to the common space. The upload takes the information from the client side and puts it on the server side ws. As a side effect, if it did not work this way, you'd never be able to recover from a corupt client side ws.

