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When Wildfire is Gone

ProZac comes to mind...
Other than that, PTC ProFit???


Edited by: marker4x4
Boom, boom madiumsliced

Others that have come to mind

Pro/BATION (making sure no drunks can use the software)

Pro/CRAYON (basic package)
Pro/PEN&PAPER (slightly better that Pro/CRAYON but still very hands on)
Pro/DRAWINGBOARD (posh version that stands in the corner of the office looking menacing and scares new engineers)

They gave up on naming it based on years, because they never made the year they were shooting for.

I like Pro/PITA... ProZac is also good....

Give ma some time, and I'll be back with a few of my own.

BTW, I'm a former SW user using Wildfire for a little over a year now. There are still many things that were much simpler to accomplish in SW, but PTC is slowly adopting some of SW's command structure.Too many commands take 3-4 steps in Pro, that took 1 step in SW.Before too long, it will be as easy and nice as SW.

Maybe Pro/SW would be a good one? {putting on flameproof suit}
How about Pro/SW/Inventor/Catia/UGS (where you put ona flameproof suit, I'm thinking with this combo the crater that will be left behind could encompass most of the planet)

The next Pro/E generation should be Pro/Enigma.
Enigma: (-synonym 1. problem)
1. a puzzling or inexplicable occurrence or situation
2. a german enciphering (to put into cipher) machine developed for commercial use in the early 1920s and later adapted and appropriated by german and other Axis powers for military use through World War II.
I love the Pro/supernova, Pro/blem and Pro/PITA

However, Pro/Fanity is most accuraty for my behaviour when battling with the bugs in ProE.

