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Wildfire 2.0

Could you post another image zooming on the pointer? I just want to see the real shape of it.
Edited by: arroyopr
Hi arroyopr,

Yes,I think it look almost the same.

how did you do that?

Hi foolmankh,

With Solid Edge you can make a so called lofted prostruction to a projected sketch agains the cylindrical wall.

you draw a triangel on a plane in front of the cylinder wall, than you projected the triangel to the cylinder wall, than draw a very small cirkel (or triangel)0.1 mm in diam, and than make that lofted prostruction to the projected triangel, thats it.

I tried that with WF 2.0 without success.

I'm able to make that pointer in WF 2.0 but on a rather complicated way, thats why I try to fine an easier way.


Hi James2,

I dont know Solid Edge well.

In my opinion, you can dopyramidas following :

1. Make Datum Plane that intersect with revolving solid.

2. Depend on Datum Plane, you use Blend Options/Parallel, with two sections that are triangle and point.

If you dont be success, let check this 2006-08-09_065940_Pyramid.prt.rar

Hope this help

Best regards

ps. sorry for my Eng.

