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Wildfire 3.0 ???


I never had the instance that using the &TODAYS_DATE parameter would change the date on the drawing every day you call it up, I always had to reinsert the format for the parameter to update.

or am I just reading this wrong.

With the, if you will, backward combatibility ... this means you can call up a WF 3.0 part in WF 2.0 with feature history except for features that are new in Wildfire 3.0?

or does it just have the functionality to call up the file with dumb geometry.

I like the functionin SolidQuirks that you can call up a ProE part in it instead of having the customer sent you and iges or step file. The example being we get alot of different formats from customers, so it was getting to be a PITA to call them up to have them send an iges or step. It would be nice in Pro/E if the SolidWorks, UG etc extension was in the pulldown.
Personally I have earlier share my opinion with all you
about that back or forward compability. I think that is problematic
Moroso said:
this means you can call up a WF 3.0 part in WF 2.0 with feature history except for features that are new in Wildfire 3.0?

or does it just have the functionality to call up the file with dumb geometry.

you can open ANY geometry created with WF3.0 in 2.0 - but that's just it, it's only the geometry.. but it has some "smarts" built into it. you can click on th feature on the model tree and see it highlight, (I think) you also get all the datums.

bu the one limiting factor is that you cannot modify those features! but you can cut them, add rounds, drafts, create sketches or what ever WF2.0 can do and then save them under a different file name (I remember he did this - apparently this will be the workflow - if you save over the existing model you will simply be saving a dumb model over the fully functional one.) and reopen it in WF3.0 and you can graft those features created inWF2.0 back into the new 3.0 model...

I'll try and recreate this maybe tomorrow if I have time..

Wildfire 2.0 was some nice improvements over 2001. I'm just hoping 3.0 will address the NC part of the sortware. We are the ones that make the "chips" but are the last ones on the food chain.
there have been some nice improvments to NC, including new mirror tool path and also they are currently updating theGUI to the Wildfire dashboard workflow.
If youacquired the Pro/E waiting that BACKWARD compatibility ...

There are two reasons:

1 - The salesman lay for you. (I don't believe in this possibility !!!).

2 - Youare usingthe wrong software. You mustuse AutoCAD, CATIA V4 ou MS Office.
I just installed WF3 C000, have not used it yet so can't comment on improvements yet. One thing I did notice is that it went from a 3 CD install to a 2 CD install so maybe PTC has stripped some of the bloat out. That can't be a bad thing.
I installed WF3, haven't had much chance to play with it though.

I did notice that sections aren't working in the view manager. I
double-click on an existing section and it doesn't do anything. I
can't get the little red arrow to move to any of the sections.
Strange, probably a bug.
Preproduction ...

Don't complain too much until they officially release it.

Also, most of the GUI is the same as WF2.0, selection methods, etc.
Datum on the Fly is fixed and seems to work fine. Kudos to PTC for finally getting it right.

Come on production release!
If they were going to take this long for WF 3.0 to fix all the little bugs I would hope they put some functionality from WF 4.0 into 3.0, what Netesh Gohill told me about 4.0 I can't wait for 4.0.

In WF 3.0, to me it just doesn't look like alot of day-to-day used enhancements are there unless it being pre-production.
PTC's release cycle is taking WAY too long. Of course, we all want good code but this is rediculous. The user interface should just be a wrapper around the modeling kernel, it should not take 4 years to complete the transition! They must not be putting much resource behind it.
dr_gallup - SolidWorks is where it's at. PTC is on the losing end
of this battle now, and in my opinion, it's Solidworks in the lead,
with Pro/E and Inventor battling it out for 2nd place.

I was just at the MD&M show in NY,NY last week and was able to see
the latest in CAD and 3D modeling software there. Solidworks is
simply more impressive, efficient, and user-friendly. You can see
how Pro/E has been changing it's user interface to match Solidworks
even. I'm looking forward to a 90 day trial software package that
Solidworks is supposed to be sending me so I can check it out in depth.
Speling - Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

And it is in my opinion that I think Pro/E has lost it's leading
edge. I've been using CAD software since the days of AutoCAD
Release 11 and have been fortunate to use several CAD packages over the
years. It's been enjoyable seeing the various software packages
develop and progress, as it certainly has made several aspects of
engineering easier!

However, I think PTC took a wrong turn along the way. For
whatever reason, perhaps greed or a vision of dominating in a
Microsoft-own-all structure, PTC has expanded their software
development into many areas other than CAD. I think the lack of
focus has allowed Solidworks and Inventor to catch up and pass Pro/E in
the CAD/3D-modeling world.

And your own comments indicate some of the issues perhaps....

"Years of experience and years of development, which ProE
has, can
"PTC's release cycle is taking WAY too long."

I totally agree with you Dr Gallup, the user interface should have been changed over half in Wildfire and the rest in Wildfire 2, they should have done it through all the build codes instead of waiting release to release.

This way they could get the interface up to speed then concentrate on new functionality.

I just hope they take some of the 4.0 functionality discussed and put it in 3.0 since the projection is 10 months away.

In closing, I sure wouldn't want to be the guy to make all these decisions.


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