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Windows Explorer


New member
Little something I came across on Windows Explorer

mapkey ad @SYSTEM start .\

willstart explorer in the working directory

start ..\ will go up one

start by itself will start at root

guess this is more for the r2001 users, there is a space after start
Will this work in WF 2.0

I get and error "Windows cannot find mapkey"etc....

This is definitely a nicety

Can't tell you about WF still on r2001.

You might need to check and see if the syntax is a little different for Systems mapkey call. If you have a existing mapkey that calls a bat file or exe you might check there. Otherwise the start .\ part of the mapkey is a windows thing.

I always found it a pain to have to keep changing explorer to match where my work dir is. There are quite a few parameters on the dos start command which may be useful for other programs to make them default to the current work dir.

I see what i can find out on the WF call, by all means if someone knows about this already please let us know.
Here my mapkey to open a specific folder in explorer. Since all users here run Pro/E from a single loadpoint, the command line uses environment variables to open the correct folder for each user

mapkey ztc_oud @MAPKEY_LABELOpen User Directory;\
mapkey(continued) @SYSTEM\%systemroot\%\\explorer.exe \
mapkey(continued) /e,/e,\%prodatavolume\%\\pro_user\\\%username\%;

For more details about explorer command line options:
[url];EN-US;q152 457[/url]


