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The 'original' site mentioned by CaptnPea has no relation to this site, therefore it is not the 'original' site of mcadcentral. proecentral is the original site of mcadcentral. is an independent site run by the PTC User Group and it also has an e-mail exploder.
I have been in touch with a few female CAD designers. They all were very competent and dedicated. Moreover, they could grasp as fast or better than most other males. One of them got still further, she started with proe, then UG, then lapped up CATIA V5 then cleared CATIA V5, and till last news came in, she is conversant with Solidworks, Solidedge, Delmia, MasterCam.......

Finally, none of them were beauties !!!!
Yes, its true that, we can not sort out by gender, As I worked with few females in other field like Tool design with UG/Pro-e, They are quite competative to males now a days. even I have seen that womens are running a Toolroom who are leading guys in their cad/cam section..!!!

Past is past..!! If you all look at future, yes, its true.
Let us put men and women together
See which one is smarter
Some say men, but I say no
Women run the men like a puppet show

It ain't me
It's the people that say
Men are leading the women astray
But I say, it's the women today
Smarter than the man in every way

That's right
The women are smarter
That's right
The women are smarter
That's right
The women are smarter
The women are smarter
That's right

Little boy sit on the corner and cry
Big man come and he asked him why
He said, "I can't do what the big boys do"
The man sat down and he cried too

It ain't me
It's the people that say
Men are leading the women astray
But I say, it's the women today
Smarter than the man in every way


That's right
The women are smarter
That's right
The women are smarter
That's right
The women are smarter
The women are smarter
That's right

Ever since the world began
Women been banned from the ways of man
Listen boy cuz I've got a plan
Give it up, don't try and understand

It ain't me
It's the people that say
Men are leading the women astray
But I say, it's the women today
Smarter than the man in every way

That's right
The women are smarter
That's right
The women are smarter
That's right
The women are smarter
The women are smarter
That's right

Let us put men and women together
See which one is smarter
Some say men, but I say no
Women run the men like a puppet show

It ain't me
It's the people that say
Men are leading the women astray
But I say, it's the women today
Smarter than the man in every way

That's right
The women are smarter
That's right
The women are smarter
That's right
The women are smarter
The women are smarter
That's right, that's right
I take offense to this thread. We women can grasp this software just as well as the men. As for the one who started the thread, maybe it was the trainer.
It's amazing, 2007 and we still have discussions such as this. I really don't understand the power struggle men seem to want over women. I heard of some stupid things other guys say to try to make them seem above there other counter part but, "men are better at a software application"? Come on! Maybe I'm turning my back on the brotherhood of the stupidity but, dude who started this thread,... you're an idiot.
Gosh I hope not. I could care less what race/gender the next president is but anybody but her. I can't stand fake people and folks, she is fake as they come.
I wonder if this is an issue in China. It's pretty silly to suggest that women don't have the apptitude to use cad effectively, however, there is no doubt that there's a big imbalance between the number of men & women users & in engineering in general. Some suggest its because this career path is more of a solitary pursuit which turns the majority women off. Others say most women are more interested in careers that help people which many engineering disciplines don't appear to do directly. My question(s) isn't whether women can be effective CAD Engineers (they obviously can), but what are schools doing to reshape & redefine their curiculums to attract women & is this a good thing? There's no shortage of women in leadership positions or in the eagerness of companies to promote them, sowhat arethe ramifications of female supervisors & managers with no engineering background? Can you feminize science & technology?
Edited by: mgnt8
"" I wonder if this is an issue in China. "" I deal with a company in China on a daily basis as our manufacturing is all done out there...and I also visited China last year for 6 weeks to help impliment a quality control system in the factory aswell as discuss all our developments etc. 95% of design and development is doneby my offices herein the UK however there are a handfull of Chinese staff working in thier technical offices that have a great imput into the final designs / tooling etc and One in particular ( A Female ) has been an absolute godsend when it comes to pro-e. She is an excellent Engineer and her CAD / Pro-e skills are fantastic.

I know one thing for sure... there are a hell of a lot of chinese people that are very VERY eager to learn and improve themselves...women especailly, and with the way most of the worlds manufacturing is moving into China we can only expect Engineering and manufacturing skills, including CAD etc to be amongst the highest majority of skills learnt

Here in the UK however.....sadly the engineering sector is made up mainly of grumpy old men like myself
..( only 31 but some days feel old haha ) !
i dunno, part of me has to think theres another reason why engineering has a lot fewer women.

there has been a large increase in women engineering school due largely to the feminist idea that women can do anything a man can do, but better. this accounts for about 50% or more of the ladies i knew in engineering school.

even with this external pressure, women dont see to be equally represented in engineering because men are better at 3d visualization and seeing things spacially. thats a general trend, not an absolute fact, so dont attack me with your singular counter examples. in general, more men are better suited for engineering than women, and i dont know who thinks that engineering is a solitary job, i have to work with people all day, everyday. i probably make more phonecalls on an average day than most receptionists...

just my 2 cents, but i think genetics has more to do with it than people like to admit.
it is common that this job is taken mostly by men

so if there is something that is not common it is always noticed and people talk about that

take a look on men as a fathers in this time - the same, some say that men are better fathers, and some guys even claims that taking care of children is better than job

is it a general process? I do not know, but I know that there is not as much discuss about all of those women who sit with children at home and dealing with such a stuff daily

so the same here, a lot of guys are dealing with engineering - but who cares about that? - no one

and than there is women case and this is loud. Why, because it is not usual, stil not, not these days. But in the next 5 - 10 years, who knows?

all that stuff is little crazy, but maybe we are eyewitnesses of human being evolution?
It strikes me odd that someone would say that women, or anybody else for that matter, is less capable than another just because there interested lie else where. Maybe you don't see women in engineering because the majority are not interested in it. I guess you could say then that men are not as good as women in the nursing field. Or course for men in the nursing field, they would disagree.

I've heard of all kinds of crazy thing like, men have better sense of direction or men can mentally see 3D geometry better. I'd like to see the proven facts on this. if your proof is based on the number of women in the engineering field then there is no proof.
women are mulititaskers & men are parallel parkers - I'm not buying it either. I think it has more to do with cultural biases and conditioning. Most CAD work is for manufacturing, which women have traditionally been less involved with then men. Now that manufacturing is shrinking, at least in this country, we may be seeing less of them still. Also, anyone out there who creates pro/e models knows what I'm talking about with solitary pursuit.There's definitelya tradeoff between social interaction & crunching thru a pro/e session. Don't even get me started with rendering - tweaking materials here, lights there, effects, reflectances, next thing you know, its next week.

