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wrap vs decal ?


New member

What's the difference between using wrap(from features) and decal(from appearance)? in order to put some text or image on a curved surface.
Wrap uses a sketch and will split a surface or multiple surfaces into sections.
Decals are just images placed on a surface like a sticker would.

Wrap would allow you to get geometrical representation with text set into the solid like a cut. Decal would work best for a graphical appearance and photo rendering. It is also a faster method because the geometry is not modified as in a feature. You may have problems if the decal is not embeded but if it is everyone can see it.

skan said:
Hello again.

And what's the difference between them and

insert -> curve -> split line
Wrap does not geometrically distort the sketch - i.e. when you wrap a sketch from the front plane onto a cylinder, it "wraps" the sketch around the cylinder instead of simply projecting it from the front plane (and stretching it.)

